This is probably one of the lightest (if not the lightest) aluminum front wheels you are likely to find. It features 16 carbon spokes combined with an extremely narrow rim. You have to reduce the weight by 300 grams plus whatever the skewer weighs to get the true weight of this wheel. If you bid on the wheel, that's all you get, just the wheel. However, if you choose buy it now, you'll get the matching rear wheel (cracked rim), the titanium skewers plus a brand new Michelin Pro 4 tire in 20mm. Because of the narrow rim, this width tire profiles perfectly. The hub, Campy free-hub, and spokes are all good, you just need a rim to make this one of the lightest aluminum wheel sets ever made. If you check the scale, that's way under 600 grams (minus the tire and tube) including the skewer. If you should bid for just the front wheel, the shipping will be reduced accordingly.