1944 Airgraph from John Chambers & Son Ltd. Wellington, NZ. to James Neill & Co (Sheffield) Ltd. Composite Steel Works, Napier Street, Sheffield. UK. It is a unique piece of postal history connecting Sheffield UK & Wellington NZ. 

 Letter from John Chambers to James Neill requesting information (illustrations and particulars) on Hacksaw Frames specifically the 'Open Jaw' type pin vices, 'Chuck' type pin vices and 'Pocket Scribers'.

 James Neill & Co (Sheffield) Ltd. started business in 1889, developing his own specialized form of composite steel. By 1911 his business Composite Steel Works began production at the Napier Street site. In 1985 Neill's business acquired Spear & Jackson, 4 years later, MMG Patricof Group, and in 1995 renamed itself Spear & Jackson plc.

  John Chambers & Son Ltd. of Wellington New Zealand, an engineering firm was started in 1892 - engineers and importers of engineer's supplies and accessories.

 This item is perfect for collectors interested in postal history related to business to business topics.

 Date sent 04.12.1944  No 18809, with a pencil hand script, possible of date of receipt 29.12.44

 Condition: Good with authentic fold. 

FMRA 716