Capital: Singapore.

Major Cities: Singapore is a city-state. The city of Singapore is located on the south-central

coast of the island of Singapore, but urbanization has taken over most of the territory of the


Date of Independence: August 31, 1963, from Britain; August 9, 1965, from the Federation of


National Public Holidays: New Year's Day (January 1); Lunar New Year (movable date in

January or February); Hari Raya Haji (Feast of the Sacrifice, movable date in February); Good

Friday (movable date in March or April); Labour Day (May 1); Vesak Day (June 2); National

Day or Independence Day (August 9); Deepavali (movable date in November); Hari Raya Puasa

(end of Ramadan, movable date according to the Islamic lunar calendar); and Christmas

(December 25).