Title: "Echoes of Freedom"

Description: Immerse yourself in the essence of Art Nouveau with these stunning illustrations by the self-taught artist, where delicacy and freedom blend in harmony. In this unique piece, a nude woman emerges gracefully, her butterfly wings spread as a symbol of transformation and liberty. The combination of ink and watercolor or tempera adds a unique depth to the artwork, while the unusual format of a Capstan cigarette advertising card evokes nostalgia for a bygone era.

With its characteristic star-shaped punch-out typical of Uruguayan advertising, these illustrations may be original reinterpretations of works by other Art Nouveau artists or may possess a completely unique character. Regardless of their origins, their beauty is undeniable, and their impact is enduring.

Let yourself be captivated by the timeless beauty of these artworks and bring home a piece of history and freedom. Get them now and enjoy the perfect combination of art and nostalgia, with combined shipping available on eBay!