"I AM in a dreadful jam, Monica, come to me. Help me. Linda"

This was the message from Monica Blaine's one-time best friend that started the chain of events which led to the murder of Eric Weller in Monica’s New York apartment, and sent her to Mexico City with a packet containing $10.000 for John Basevi, the man she loved but had not seen for five years. Monica had seen death and fled, but death followed at her heels.

Here, against a backdrop of Mexico City, with all its rich color and strangeness, Mrs. Eberhart has written a romantic novel in which her heroine is drawn unwittingly into an intrigue in which murder was only an incident to matters of worldwide importance. Never has she given us a story of greater excitement and suspense or one with more interesting characters.

This special edition of WINGS OF FEAR by Mignon G. Eberhart has been made available to the Armed Forces of the United State, through an arrangement with the original publisher, Random House, Inc., New York.

Editions for the Armed Services. Inc. a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime

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