Pause Fall Winter 2006

Special 10th Anniversary Edition

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Complete Guide to Midlife Health

CONDITION   Good, clean, issue may have some reading or shelf wear


·        Not Your Mother’s Menopause – what will menopause be like for you? Here’s what your mother would have told you, if only she’d known.

·        Embrace The Change – What to expect at ages, 40, 50, 60 and beyond.

·        A Matter of Urgency – There’s help and hope for women who suffer from incontinence.

·        Beat the Heat – Simple strategies to extinguish hot flashes.

·        Breast Cancer: What Are My Odds? – If one in eight women will develop breast cancer in a lifetime, what are the chances tha someday it will be me?

·        The Estrogen Question – A help-you-decide guide to hormone therapy.

·        Numbers You Should Know By Heart – You probably know at least a dozen phone numbers by heart. But do you know the numbers that point to an increased risk of heart disease?

·        Unbreakable – Think that calcium supplement you’re taking is enough to protect your bones? Don’t fall for this—and other—common misconceptions about osteoporosis.

·        One Small Step – You’re just one step away from a smoother transition through menopause, so what are you waiting for? Get moving!

·        Move through Menopause with Kathy Smith – Six smart moves to increase your strength and stamina.

·        Measurable Differences – Whether you’re staving off weight gain or trying to shed unwanted pounds, these small lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

·        Dysfunction Junction – The so-called Change of Life doesn’t have to end your sex life.

·        Marginal Moods – How to tame the emotional ups and downs that sometimes coincide with menopause.
