Scott Sernau's clear writing and vivid examples help readers to understand their role as global citizens. Part one begins with the challenges of inequality in life chances, wages and work, and gender and education; inequality lies at the heart of many global problems. Part two focuses on conflict and violence—from crime to politics, terrorism to war—with an emphasis on connections of violence to social justice and human rights. Part three looks at sustainability and the problems of urbanization, crowding, and environmental destruction.

Each chapter begins with a "Global Encounters" vignette that provides examples of college students encountering striking situations and being asked to think about broader implications. Though people across the globe lead seemingly very different lives, the author emphasizes interconnectedness, with discussions of the local–global connection. Chapters explore social problems by considering key theories, both classical and contemporary, and by providing enough history to understand the background of contemporary issues. The book's approach is both multinational and multidisciplinary.

Chapters conclude with positive possibilities for global change. While problems are substantial, many people are working to make a difference, and this book offers an invitation to participate. In addition to "Key Ideas" and "For Review and Discussion," every chapter concludes with "Making Connections" that offers reliable websites for more information and "Making a Difference," which provides options for involvement. These sections can form the basis for assignments, for further study, or for class or group projects.