A two Metre length of NiChrome Wire

60% Nickel 15% Chromium 25% Iron

19 Ohms per Metre.


0.274 mm 0.0108” Diameter

This wire is commonly used for heating and cutting elements.

It also be used as an "electric match" a device to ignite the end of a fuse under control of an eternally applied electrical current also for model rocket igniters.

If you apply 5V to a 150mm length of this wire it will draw 1.5 Amps and be hot enough to cut epanded polystyrene for modeling leaving a very smooth finish.

I have also tested a 300mm long wire and at 10 Volts it draws 1.5 Amps and will cut 100mm thick epanded polystyrene slowly.

At 12 Volts it draws 2 Amps and will cut 100mm thick epanded polystyrene quickly.

It is very corrosion resistant and will work at up to 1100C

We can supply it any length.