Huge Crime Selection!

Radio Detective Shows

Mp3 DVD Disc containing 100's of shows

of approx. 15 to 30 minutes each


Sam Spade - 67 shows

Johnny Dollar - 190 shows

Philo Vance - 90 shows

Ellery Queen -12 shows


Black Museum                      - 4 shows

Hidden Truth                        - 3 shows

Scarlet Queen                        - 27 shows

Sealed Book                           - 13 shows

Unexpected                            - 23 shows

Unsolved                                 - 4 shows

World Adventure Club          - 27 shows

Casey Crime Photographer     - 10 shows

Danger Dr Danfield                  - 8 shows

Ellery Queen                             - 12 shows

Majestic                                      - 7 shows

Marlow                                       - 6 shows

Mr Collins                                  - 14 shows 

Nerowolf                                    - 25 shows 

Police Headquaters                  - 15 shows 

Richard Diamond                     - 13 shows 


A man called X                      -  7 shows 

Barry Craig                             - 19 shows 

Beyond Midnight                  - 10 shows 

Blackstone                              - 38 shows 

Calling all detectives             - 11 shows 

Candy Matson                        - 9 shows 

Chandu                                    - 22 shows 

Crime Club                              - 31 shows 


It is provided in MP3 format on CD for playing on:

 PC Windows and Modern Mp3 CD Players.

They can also be transferred to your iPod, Mp3 player, Mobile Phone or Tablet to take with you and listen at your leisure.


The recording is on a high-quality printed DVD and supplied in a paper/plastic sleeve which makes a lovely present for any loved ones!

The perfect way to enjoy old fashioned radio shows.

NOTE: the quality of the sound varies due to the age  of the recordings



Items on this disc are distributed freely and globally in the public domain under the terms of the GNU Public License and the GNU Lesser General Public License.

This software does not infringe any copyright, trade mark, or other rights and is in compliance with eBay's listing and spam policies.

The recordings are freely available to download

The original authors are either deceased and copyright has therefore run out or are copyright free.


If you are not satisfied then contact us and we will refund. My wife loves these old radio shows and whistles while she works.