You are bidding for a video record of the long discarded 16mm film described below.   When the film  was made it provided a unique insight into its particular subject.  Over the last thirty years a number of enthusiasts realised that such films provided an untapped source of information on past techniques and methods At some time in the past it would have been rescued after being discarded as obsolete by the original owners .

Any money raised from the sale of this video will go towards offsetting the costs of more rescues.

Summary of Contents   172 

 Lubrication is vital to keep machinery operational at top efficiency .   Construction and Road Transport Industry  Period is around 1970. Our guide is an Allan Partridge look-alike .  Good variety of users includes plenty of shots of construction plant  and lorries in use.   Also a view of the laboratories where oils are tested and developed  and bulk oil loading terminal. Followed by a visit to a sand and gravel plant  where they are still using draglines  with plenty of views of the Linatex  aggregate grading line.


        Road transport includes Tilcon  WJ Sims  E Luther Transport and what looks like a  newly opened Wimpey servicing set up. Indeed most of the lorries being serviced looked new as well.  Colour Film 20 minutes.  A fascinating insight into what was a well respected independent lubricants company Alexander Duckhams  and a good snapshot of Road Transport and Construction sites of the early 1970s.  



Technical Note. This is a DVD record of a private screening. Transfer quality is to enable the contents to be studied rather than to achieve the  high standard achieved by professional broadcast and commercial video  publishers

.However this does mean that you if you are the successful bidder  I will prepare your copy and send it to you BEFORE expecting you to pay.  Assuming you are find it proves to be what you expected from the decription all I ask is that you pay preferably by PayPal within SEVEN DAYS of the DVD reaching you.I can make this offer because so far with few exceptions everybody who has purchased a DVD this way has been facinated by the contents of the video they selected and only too happy to pay.

To my mind that seems a very fair way to work for both parties.