You are bidding for a video record of the long discarded 16mm film described below.   When the film  was made it provided a unique insight into its particular subject.  Over the last thirty years a number of ethusiasts realised that such films provided an untapped source of information on past techniques and methods At some time in the past it would have been rescued after being discarded as obsolete by the original owners .

Any money raised from the sale of this video will go towards offsetting the costs of more rescues. 

This DVD recorded during a showing of the short  film described.   

Summary of Contents

  Magazine type film from around 1952  featuring

SS Khuzistan  carrying petrol in cans for delivery  of fuels in square sealed cans  in the heat of the Persian Gulf.   Cans were transhipped into dhows to be carted ashore . This a startling contrast to today's bulk deliveries. This must have been one of the smallest ships  ever in  the BP Fleet


Vampire show in flight before featuring the introduction of the new Vickers Viscount. Airliner.  One was shown  under assembly for British European Airways. Then the end of a demonstration tour which   included trials at Paris Orly airport. As might be expected in an oil company  includes demonstration of refuelling. with emphasis on special care and filtration needed.  This served to introduce the new idea of turbo prop airliners. No doubt compared with production versions the Viscount featured carried fewer passengers and would have been smaller.  


Black and White Magazine  10 mins

 If  this film is not what you want there are plenty of other films described if you select "See other items"  above. 



Technical Note. This is a DVD record of a private screening. Transfer quality is to enable the contents to be studied rather than to achieve the  high standard achieved by professional broadcast and commercial video  publishers

However this does mean that you if you are the successful bidder  I will prepare your copy and send it to you BEFORE expecting you to pay.  Assuming you are find it proves to be what you expected from the description all I ask is that you pay preferably by PayPal within SEVEN DAYS of the DVD reaching you.I can make this offer because so far with few exceptions everybody who has purchased a DVD this way has been fascinated by the contents of the video they selected and only too happy to pay.

To my mind that seems a very fair way to work for both parties.