From the clapperboard on the screen this mystery film was  made on t16/5/83 and intended for Tomorrows World  Using a model railway layout it appears that  the functioning of full sized  railway signalling equipment is being demonstrated  to the customers of the  full sized railway  presumably  Nigerian  Railways .  Presumably this was a simulator . Whether this was to train the future signal man or for the client to approve and accept the equipment before dispatch is not clear.  Much  of the film is several takes of the same action by the “signalman”.


It seems to be based  on a single line to  Kajuru with token working. Included is  a miniature signal frame so they can pull off signal or points although the scheme seems to include colour light signalling at what presumably is a passing point on the main line. An emergency is simulated   with a cow on the line.   Late a delightful  12 lever signal frame in in miniature  is operated with fingertips  which appears to represent a station layout which presumably was not being  modified . The frame has all the necessary interlocks.


Spliced  in is a faded to red film of a different model layout  with more rolling stock then back to modern colour.  It then reverts back to some cameral tricks filming the rolling stock in such a way you cannot get any clues to relative size. 

As well as railway signalling the film gives a great insight in the patient camera work  that is needed before the presenters needed to get involved to explain the action on Tomorrows World .  I suspect most railway modellers would be most struck by the old style signal frame miniaturised.  25 minutes mostly in good colour.