Indian Spirits 

Artikelnummer:  ZYX 57084-2 
Artist:  Various Artists 
Titel:  Indian Spirits 
Label:  zyx 
Type:  2CDs
ReleaseDate:  24.05.2013 

Indian Spirits:
Wohl kaum ein Weltmusik-Genre ist so mystisch – und so erfolgreich – wie die Musik der amerikanischen Ureinwohner, auch “Indianer” genannt. Entspannung, Tradition, Einssein mit der Natur: all das drücken Songs wie “Long journey home”, “Dreamcatcher”, “Endless bush dance”, “Nature horse song”, “Across the plains” u.v.m. aus.

2CD, Laufzeit ca. 120 Min.


1 / 1 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Long Journey Home 3.16 

1 / 2 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Dreamcatcher 1.56 

1 / 3 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Hunting Horse Contact 5.19 

1 / 4 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  The Honor Song 2.14 

1 / 5 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Twilight 8.22 

1 / 6 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Satethieday's Song 0.31 

1 / 7 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  The Hawk 3.34 

1 / 8 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Endless Bush Dance 9.09 

1 / 9 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Chiricahua 2.20 

1 / 10 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Redcloud 0.33 

1 / 11 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Across The Plains 3.23 

1 / 12 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  The Lone Warrior 5.44 

2 / 1 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Tse-tsehes-staestse 2.48 

2 / 2 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  The Red Hawk 4.05 

2 / 3 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Mystic Forest Song 5.40 

2 / 4 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Harmony Song 7.23 

2 / 5 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  H'e Sapa 3.26 

2 / 6 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Nature Horse Song 5.44 

2 / 7 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Calumet 5.02 

2 / 8 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Springtime 5.16 

2 / 9 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  The Hunting Song 1.04 

2 / 10 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Bluebird 3.16 

2 / 11 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Night Song 3.32 

2 / 12 Lakota Natives & Ambros The Fl
  Red Wolf Spheres 5.34 

