D/F Handbook for Wireless Operators - Radio Direction Finding

Written for Marine and Aeronautical Radio Men, this is the handbook for Radio Direction finding !! Covers Antennas and Circuitry
Author: W. E. Crook
Published: 1942
Pages: 85 

It has for some time been recognized that the wireless operator employed at a D/F station must be regarded as a specialist, and experience has shown the necessity for specialized training of those who are to undertake this work.

Although most general treatises on radio contain some information about DJF, it is felt that a small book devoted exclusively to the subject will be particularly useful to wireless operators who are already working on D/F or who wish to volunteer for this branch when their training is completed.

In the following pages, a knowledge of elementary radio theory has been assumed, but a strictly practical treatment has been maintained as far as possible.

Specific D/F apparatus is not referred to because the variations in detail are very wide and nothing would be gained by describing one or two actual sets which will inevitably be obsolete in a comparatively short time. The aim is rather to give the student such knowledge of the principles of all D/F apparatus and its operation as will enable him to view any DJF station through the specialist's eye, and consequently to take up his duties with the minimum of delay necessary to master local details.

:: Contents ::
General View of D/F
Rotating Frame D/F
Bellini-Tosi D/F
Sensing and Fixing
Errors in D/F
Siting and Calibration
Aircraft D/F
