** In this offer you will receive 2 daughter plants without roots.
These plants are very healthy and vigorous look at the mother plants.

**** For plants with no roots -The roots will grow when left in water for 1-2 weeks. Or just stick in a pot with soil and keep it MOIST but not soggy wet.
When some roots are developed the plant is ready to go to the soil in a pot.
Callisia is very fast growing and very productive plant. If you add seaweed extract(it acts as a root hormone due to the presence of many micro nutrients) to the water it will speed up the rooting process and feed them as well.

Plant in 11'’ or bigger pot, with 30% send and good, rich compost, potting soil.
This plant will need some support in a form of a long stick.

Water moderately in the Winter.

In the Summer bring the Callissia outside if possible.

The Sun will produce higher concentrations of medicinal substances in the leaves and Callisia will produce some pigmentation, reddish color. The leaves are juicy and have pleasant taste.

Calissia likes shaded Sun light.

From my own experience - Callisia will take care of many headaches quickly by chewing leaf.
This plant can be - Your own home apteka-- medicine store.

*** Eat some portion of the leave (or one joint of the runners) everyday and you will forget about allergies and many ills.

In the Callisia Fragrans, according to scientists, biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals were found at the optimum ratio.

Callisia Fragrans Has being studied in Russia for more then 20 years by scientists.
People call this plant house Ginseng, Family Doctor, Golden Mustache or heals 100 ailments.
We use the leaves for health support and for headaches.

Because of the presence of biologically active substances Callisia Fragrans can help fight various diseases.

The whole plant posses curative compounds, juice is the same throughout the plant, although it's higher concentration in the stem.

Callisia juice contains flavonoids two groups: quercetin and kemferol..(for diabetes) Quercetin has antioxidant and anti allergic properties and reduces the permeability of the capillaries, stabilizes membranes.

Used to treat inflammatory diseases, arthritis and arthrosis, bronchial asthma, allergic skin and mucous diseases, cardiovascular diseases. Properties kemferol - tonic, capillary-reinforcing, diuretic.

 It is used to treat urinary system, allergic diseases.

In addition to flavonoids in Callisia has a group of substances steroids - fitosterolov governing livelihoods plants.
Steroids act as biological controls, help the body to stimulate protein synthesis cells, contributing to the early renewal of muscle tissue cells.

Contents of Callisia Fragrans highly active substances such as beta-sitostirola, helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthen and cleanse the walls of blood vessels. It is used for the treatment of atherosclerosis, metabolic diseases, endocrine system, inflammations of the prostate, etc. In addition to flavonoids and steroids. Callisia Fragrans includes various vitamins and minerals. There is vitamin C, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and V15 (Pantothenic acid), vitamin RR (nicotine acid).
The content of micro nutrient: copper, iron, nickel, etc.

Tincture from Callisia regular recipe:
Prepare tincture from plant that has no less then 9 segments of dark purple color
***12 segments of Callisia crushed or shopped in small pieces with non metal knife, add 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain and pour into the bottle tightly closed bottle and store in a cool dark place.
Ready tincture should have saturated purple color, it is better to store it in a bottle of dark glass.
Take this tincture for 6 month - 2 times a day for a dessert spoon for 30-40 minutes before eating.

Once a month, take a break for a week. The infusion can be taken as a prophylactic For cancer, colds, joints and skin diseases. And you can use spent material for compress.