We have many customers using Blend 16 for no other reason than maintaining general hair and scalp condition and it is the active ingredient in our “Great Head & Hair” shampoo and conditioner

Katseye Blend 16 is the active ingredient in all our Head Lice products for those of you wishing to make your own products. As a guide, a 5ml bottle contains approximately 180 drops = 35 drops per 1ml

For Head Lice and Scabies treatment shampoo/body wash and hair conditioner use 1 drop Blend 16 per 3ml base product

For Repelling spray: Mix 5ml Blend 16 with 15ml solubiliser (available in our shop under "sundries"), stir well and top up with water  to make 500ml spray

For Head lice and scabies in humans and mange/lice/tics in animals mix 1 drop Blend 16 with 3ml base oil such as Grape seed or Sunflower  

Blend 16 is a synergistic blend of essential oils that Head Lice naturally avoid - Geranium, Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary and Tea Tree.

All Katseye Blends are made using the purest therapeutic grade of essential oils and are undiluted so should be diluted before use. This blend is not suitable for use in the first six months of pregnancy

If you are allergic to cosmetics or essential oils, you should not use this product.

 Katseye products are unique and have an unrivalled reputation for effectiveness in the world of complementary therapy. Since 1978 we have been making bespoke products for a select few through our clinic and now they are available to you for the first time. Over 100 unique essential oil blends have been created which have been made into creams, lotions, sprays, bath products - literally hundreds of therapeutic products which have been sold under a wide array of brands and labels.