Titles in This Set:

Jamie's 15-Minute Meals
Jamie's 30-Minute Meals: A Revolutionary Approach to Cooking Good Food Fast
Save with Jamie: Shop Smart, Cook Clever, Waste Less

Description Title By Title:

Jamie's 15-Minute Meals
Following the record-breaking success of 30-Minute Meals, Britain's most-popular cookbook of all time, Jamie Oliver brings us the even-better 15-Minute Meals, In creating these recipes Jamie's made sure they're methodical, clever, sociable, fun, with beautiful food full of big flavours. It's a classic book that will arm you with the skills to create wonderful meals, shockingly fast.  He's taken inspiration from all over the world, embracing the tastes that we all love, playing on classic chicken, steak and pasta dishes, looking at Asian-inspired street food and brilliant Moroccan flavours, putting together great salads and so much more. And these are some of the quickest and easiest meals Jamie's ever done.

Jamie's 30-Minute Meals: A Revolutionary Approach to Cooking Good Food Fast
The 50 brand-new meal ideas in this book are exciting, varied and seasonal. They include main course recipes with side dishes as well as puddings and drinks, and are all meals you'll be proud to serve your family and friends. Jamie has written the recipes in a way that will help you make the most of every single minute in the kitchen. This book is as practical as it is beautiful, showing that with a bit of preparation, the right equipment and some organization, hearty, delicious, quick meals are less than half an hour away. With the help of Jamie Oliver and Jamie's 30-Minute Meals, you'll be amazed by what you're able to achieve.

Save with Jamie: Shop Smart, Cook Clever, Waste Less
Jamie gets the nation cooking clever, shopping smart and wasting less with his new cookbook, Save with Jamie. This year, I've got the message loud and clear that as everyone comes under bigger and bigger financial pressure, they want help to cook tasty, nutritious food on a budget, so this book was born completely out of public demand. Save with Jamie draws on knowledge and cooking skills to help you make better choices, showing you how to buy economically and efficiently, get the most out of your ingredients, save time and prevent food waste. And there's no compromise - I'm talking big flavours, comfort food that makes you happy, and colourful, optimistic dishes. Our biggest luxury is knowledge, whether times are hard or not, so get kitchen smart and smash the recession.

9780718157807  9780718154776  9780718158149