The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert DVD (2005) Terence Stamp,

Title: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Leading Actor: Terence Stamp Region: Region 2 Duration: 99 mins Format: DVD / Special Edition Type: DVD No. of Discs: 1 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Warner Bros. Home Ent. UK Release Date: 13 Jun 2005 Edition: Special Edition

Australian comedy which follows the life of Bernadette (Terence Stamp), a middle-aged transgender woman mourning the recent death of her lover. She embarks on a cabaret tour with two drag queen friends, Mitzi (Hugo Weaving) and Felicia (Guy Pearce) and together they set out for a professional engagement in Alice Springs in a gaudily painted bus they name Priscilla. Along the way they encounter various adversely masculine personalities - one of whom, Bob (Bill Hunter), begins to form a romantic attachment to Bernadette.

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