Solid Perfume with Pheromones 
in Sinfully Cinnamon

.5 oz. Solid Scent won’t spill & fits inside your purse or pocket so you can take it with you. This intimate perfume stays close to the skin without clouding the air the way spray perfume tends to. It’s a discreet alternative that's subtle to apply & convenient for touch ups. Comes wrapped like candy & makes a cute, sexy gift!

Ingredients: Made from concentrated, high quality fragrance oils, moisturizing sweet almond oil, all natural beeswax, antioxidant Vitamin E, and the added bonus of real pheromones. 

To use: Apply solid scent with fingertips to pulse points at wrists & neck, or anywhere you normally wear perfume. External use only.

Sinfully Cinnamon

Spicy, sweet warmth brings to mind the scent of cinnamon rolls baking; an aroma which has been proven in studies to make men become sexually stimulated just from smelling it!
Why use pheromones?
Pheromones are a natural aphrodisiac produced in all men and women that give off olfactory scent signals, subconsciously triggering attraction. However, due to our modern lifestyles of daily showering and using deodorants, we wash away and mask most all of our natural pheromones. Also, pheromone production declines rapidly as we age. Therefore, Body Candy fragrances have pheromones added to supplement what has been lost or covered up. Some benefits of this include:
  • Heightened self-confidence & feelings of well-being
  • Being perceived as more attractive by the opposite sex
  • Others feeling drawn to you & making more connections
  • Rekindling a current relationship by increasing arousa
Try it now and experience the uniqueness and quality of hand made perfume! Please see our other listings for complete selection of all fragrances available. Please email any questions for more information. Thank you!