Tangrams are very old puzzles.  They are perhaps one of the most versatile puzzles ever made as there are so many shapes that can be made with the pieces.  You can never really do them all. In the early 1800's, tangrams were the rage, kind of like Nintendo, except mainly with adults!  Folks would gather to have tangram parties to see who could make a particular shape the fastest.

We provide many shapes for you to make (72 all together), including 1 page on Tangram paradoxes, which are quite fascinating.  They show 2 shapes that are almost the same.  It appears mysterious that they can both be made from the same 7 pieces.  But, they can! 

Our version is solid wood with a beautiful look and tactile feel.  It is particularly nice.  It comes with a solid wood box and cover, as shown sitting  in this photo.

This auction is for the size large.  It is about a 5.1" square as sitting in the box.  We also have other 3 other sizes available for the 7 piece tangram.  Check them out on our ebay store or webs site.

Creative Crafthouse, Spring Hill, FL