Jack Benny Radio Show

70 Old Time Radio Shows 

on an Audio MP3 CD

JACK BENNY (Feb 14, 1894 – Dec 26, 1974): Jack Benny, born Benjamin Kubelsky, was an American comedian, vaudevillian, radio, television, and film actor. Widely recognized as one of the leading American entertainers of the 20th century, Benny played the role of the comic penny-pinching miser, insisting on remaining 39 years old on stage despite his actual age, and often (although an accomplished violinist) playing the violin - poorly!

Benny was known for his comic timing and ability to get laughs with either a pregnant pause or a single expression, such as his signature wave of the hand with an exasperated "Well!" His radio & television programs, tremendously popular from the 1930s to the 1960s, were a foundational influence on the situation comedy genre. Dean Martin, on the celebrity roast for Johnny Carson in November 1973, introduced Benny as "the Satchel Paige of the world of comedy."

Hold that Line

Dog Catcher or Beverly Hills

Jack the head of paramount

and many more....

It is provided in MP3 format on CD for playing on:

Modern Mp3 CD Players & 
DVD players
PCs & Laptops

Upload to your iPod, Mp3 player, modern phones..listen on the move...

This can be played through almost any audio software such as iTunes, Windows Media, Real Player, Winamp etc. It can also be transferred to your iPod or MP3 player to take with you and listen at your leisure.

The recording is on a high quality printed CD and supplied in a paper/plastic sleeve which makes a lovely present for any loved ones!

The perfect way to enjoy old-fashioned radio shows.
NOTE: the quality of the sound varies due to the age of the recordings


To Whom It May Concern (inc. Ebay’s VeRo Team and The Publishers Association).

Important Copyright Notice...

It is my understanding that The shows available here are in the public domain. No infringement of any copyrights is intended. The programs are for personal enjoyment only. They are not meant for sale or broadcast. If you think that you have a valid copyright for any of the programs offered herein please e-mail me at info@ebmaudio.co.uk with supporting information and the program will be withdrawn immediately.