Our all natural Antifungal treatment Bath Oil is made using our blend 5 which is the base of all our antifungal products and is effective against all fungal problems from Athlete's Foot to Thrush.

Ingredients: Essential oils of Bergamot, Lavender, Tea Tree, Geranium, Tagetes and Myrrh - all are well-known for their antifungal and antimicrobial properties in a natural, plant extracted, solubiliser base.

Directions: Simply add to your bath water and soak for at least 10 minutes to help in the treatment of all fungal problems

Cautions: Do not use in the first 6 months of pregnancy or if allergic to essential oils

Directions: Use just 5ml per bath.

Note: We are clinical aromatherapists rather than simply retailers - all our products are handmade using the highest grade of the purest ingredients simply packaged to bring you the best products that money can buy 

Katseye products are unique and have an unrivalled reputation for effectiveness in the world of complementary therapy. Since 1978 we have been making bespoke products for a select few through our clinic and now they are available to you for the first time. Over 100 unique essential oil blends have been created which have been made into creams, lotions, sprays, bath products - literally hundreds of therapeutic products which have been sold under a wide array of brands and labels.