Print  Specifics:
  • Type of print: Intaglio, Steel Engraving - Original antique print
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print - est. 1860s
  • Publisher: Brain & Payne of London, 12 Paternoster Row
  • Condition: 1 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair)
  • Dimensions: 8 x 10.5 inches (19,5 x 26 cm), including blank margins (borders) around the image.
  • Paper weight: 2 (1. Thick - 2. Heavier - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
  • Reverse side: Blank

EUGENE SUE [JOSEPH MARTE] (1804-1857) was a  French novelist,  born in Paris on the 20th of January 1804. He was the son of a distinguished surgeon in Napoleon's army, and is said to have had the empress Josephine for godmother. Sue himself acted as surgeon both in the Spanish campaign undertaken by France in 1823 and at the battle of Navarino (1828). In 1829 his father's death put him in possession of a considerable fortune, and he settled in Paris. His naval experiences supplied much of the materials of his first novels, Kernock le pirate (1830), Atar-Gull (1831), La Salamandre (2 vols., 1832), La Coucaratcha (4 vols., 1832-1834), and others, which were composed at the height of the romantic movement of 1830. In the quasi-historical style he wrote Jean Cavalier, ou Les Fanatiquesdes Cevennes (4 vols., 1840) and Latreaumont (2 vols., 1837). He was strongly affected by the Socialist ideas of the day, and these prompted his most famous work: Les Mysteres de Paris (10 vols., 1842-1843).
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