WELLER WD1 Soldering Station, Digital, 85W

MPN: WT1N, SKU: G7136053

Sale Price: $198.10

Product Details

Soldering Station, Digital, Watts 95, Voltage 120, Soldering, Single Channel Digital Power Unit, (3) Programmable Temperature Buttons, Large LCD Display, Setback, Lockout Temperature Window with Programmable Lockout Range, ESD Safe Standards

About Us

Zoro has a simple mission—We help small business stay competitive!

We do this by offering thousands of great products at super low prices. Small businesses have historically been at a disadvantage to larger companies who can buy stuff at lower prices because of their size. We want to change that!

Zoro has most of the products that the “big guys” have and we offer every single one of them at an everyday low price. There are no complex discount structures to understand. Every customer pays the same low price for an item—whether you want to buy one or one thousand!

We have our headquarters in Buffalo Grove, IL—though we are petitioning the town to rename itself Fox Grove. (We're coming for you, Buffaloes.) And we ship orders out of six warehouses strategically located across the country. More specifically, they are in California (one in sunny SoCal and one in breezy NorCal), Illinois (the Land of Lincoln), South Carolina (the Land of Mustard BBQ sauce), and Texas (the warehouse there is bigger).

Like you, we believe that the key to success is to always put our customers first.

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