Actual contents 4.3 fl. ounces. Includes an empty one ounce dispenser bottle for pocket or purse.

About the product

  • 100% Pure American Emu Oil. No additives or preservatives. Deodorized. Creamy white color.
  • Fresh supply every month.
  • Penetrates and leaves the skin moisturized not oily.
  • Many therapeutic applications. Dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and more
  • Reduces inflammation in the skin and deeper tissues.


Our Pure Emu Oil has the unique ability to penetrate readily into living tissue. As such it is useful as an extremely effective moisturizer and emollient without leaving the skin oily. With regular use it causes the skin to grow slightly thicker and smoother causing wrinkles to become physically smaller. It is especially useful for use around and near the eyes since it does not cause irritation. Skin that has been exposed to the sun for many years improves markedly.
    Although most of the Pure Emu Oil we sell is used as a moisturizer and emollient, it has a number of valid therapeutic uses as well. The following is based entirely on our direct experience with thousands of users of our Pure Emu Oil and other products as well as a wealth of research and studies. Emu Oil from other sources may or may not duplicate these results.
    Due to its ability to reduce inflammation in soft tissues and increase the growth rate of skin cells,  it is useful for reducing symptoms related to:
-Dry Skin: Excellent emollient for dry chapped skin.
-Eczema and Dermatitis: symptoms are typically well controlled within 1 - 3 weeks. It works on everyone but younger skin responds faster. Continued use will maintain control.
-Rosacea: redness, swelling and sensitivity are typically reduced within 1 week and continue to improve with regular use.
-Psoriasis: about 20% of sufferers using our Emu Oil see a reduction in size of lesions. All others find much reduced burning, itching and flaking. Softens lesions and allows cracks to heal.
-Burns, including sunburn: Those suffering first, second and minor third degree burns immediately feel relief from pain. Blisters generally don’t appear if applied immediately. Skin heals much faster with much less scar tissue formation.
-Keloid, stretch marks and other scar tissue: Regular application will reduce collagen buildup in existing scar tissue, reducing elevation, rigidity, and visibility of scar tissue.
-Acne: since Emu Oil does not clog pores (in fact it dissolves the hardened sebum that clogs pores), it is useful in reducing the incidence of new blemishes if combined with an otherwise sensible approach to skin care.
-Bed sores: Even long existing bed sores will heal within weeks.
-Hemorrhoids: reduces swelling, itching and burning.
-Diaper rash: heals and helps prevent further rash development.
-Fibromyalgia: sufferers find reduced pain.
-Diabetic neuropathy: reduces discomfort and improves skin texture.
-Fever blisters: reduces discomfort and for many, shortens duration of blister.
-Speeds healing after surgery, cosmetic procedures (such as skin peals and laser resurfacing), radiation therapy, any skin injury.
-Massage: reduces swelling of tissues during and after therapeutic massage for longer lasting results.
-Scleroderma: softens and increases flexibility of skin.
-Hyperkeratosis: most find reduction in  localized skin elevations.
-Irritable bowel syndrome and Chrone’s disease: sufferers find symptomatic relief after regular ingestion of Emu Oil.
-LDL cholesterol levels typically lower by 5% - 10% when Emu Oil is added to the diet as a regular supplement. A teaspoon or two twice daily is a typical dosage.
                            AND MUCH MORE


Everyone’s skin is different.  Start by applying one drop at a time and  quickly  spread  evenly  as  far as possible.  You’ll be  able to determine how much to apply for your skin type.  If your skin feels oily after 5 - 10 minutes, you’ve applied too much.
For best results apply at least twice daily or more often as needed.  Use only enough to cover the skin evenly without applying excessively.  May be used in combination with sunscreen and other lotions.


Our Pure Emu Oil has a nice lotion like consistency  at typical room temperatures. Store  product  at room temperature if you intend to use the contents of the container within 3 to 4 months.  If not, refrigerate and transfer to a smaller container for daily use.  Refrigeration will extend shelf life to 5 years or more.  Store all products containing Emu Oil away from direct sunlight or direct heat.


Emu oil is a superior natural skin moisturizer for dry skin.  It does not clog pores, it penetrates through all 7 layers of the skin, and encourages faster cell regeneration.  Recent studies show  Emu Oil helps to build more good hormone-like substances called eicosanoids that influence the function of our cells.  This promotes quick healing and reduces inflammation.  Emu Oil’s natural fatty acid structure is very similar to our own skin cells, therefore is it extremely hypoallergenic.  It is also an excellent emollient and a great carrier oil so it may be used in conjunction with other lotions. It is excellent at minimizing the drying side effect related to Retin-A or Accutane treatments.

The skin is the largest organ of the body, which protects the internal organs from the environment.  Its cells are continually being replaced as they are lost by wear and tear.  The skin consists of a thin outer layer, the epidermis, and a thicker inner layer, the dermis.  There are a total of 7 layers in the skin.  The life cycle of skin cells is about 28 days and extends to 45 days by the time we are 60.

Each hair follicle grows along with an oil gland that secretes sebum (oily wax mostly composed of keratin) that melts on the skin’s surface to naturally moisturize the face and body.  Any product used on the skin should not impede the natural cycle of cell regeneration and oil secretion.  This equates to using substances that will not clog pores or irritate the skin by stripping the outer most layer of its natural oils and possibly inviting bacterial infection.

So called “all-natural” products are not necessarily the best for skin health.  Plant oils decompose faster than mineral oils and require higher concentrations of preservatives. Essential oils also cause skin irritation due to their natural fragrance.  Plant oils often contain fatty (saturated) acids that can clog pores and cause acne. Olive oil can clog pores and lavender oil causes photosensitivity as well skin cell toxicity in concentrations of over one fourth of a percent. The combination of both high quality non-irritating synthetics AND natural source materials  create the best  skin  care products.

1. Cleanse gently - use only cleansers that have a pH between 5 and 6. Natural bar soaps usually have a pH of 8 to 10 and are too alkaline for skin and can be extremely irritating. Detergent bars such as Dove, Basis, or Cetaphil are safe to use. Unscented mild liquid cleansers like Cetaphil are the best choice for all skin types with the exception of oily skin.

2. Skin care products, especially lotions, should be fragrance free. Fragrances whether derived from a synthetic or natural (essential oils) source may irritate the skin. Irritation suppresses the skin's immune/healing response, is one of the major causes of collagen destruction, and encourages bacterial growth leading to potential skin breakouts.

3. Exfoliate regularly and the best exfoliants are beta hydroxy acids (for oily skin) and alpha hydroxy acids (for dry skin). Unlike mechanical abrasive scrubs that cut dead skin cells off the surface, the hydroxy acids uniformally unglue the dead skin cells to reveal healthy new cells.

4. Moisturize as needed. Only dry skin benefits from moisturizing - oily skin does not. Over moisturizing can cause problems by impeding the natural skin cell turnover.

5. Sunscreen! There is not such thing as a safe tan! Only sunscreens with both UVA and UVB protection are safe for the skin. They must contain zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or avobenzone (Parsol 1789) with a minimum protection of SPF 15. Products containing both the reflective and chemical sunscreens offer the most reliable coverage.

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