Primula Alpicola

" Moonlight Primrose"

Beautifully fragrant from high in the mountains of Tibet. Very variable in color , so much so it also has the common name " Josephs Sikkimensis " after Josephs' Coat of many colors. Colors range from white through primrose yellow , blues and even near red forms , leaving you the enviable chore of picking out the best colors from your seedlings. Not at all difficult to grow in cool-temperate climates , very hardy and more drought tolerant than similar species such as P.Florindae. Sow fine seed in Winter or early Spring , often flowering first season from seed.

Comprehensive germination notes included with each purchase

Money back upon return of your purchase if not completely satified

All seed has been inspected by Aqis and meets all Australian importation standards. this may not apply in other countries. Please check with your Custom and quarantine officials if ordering from overseas. No responsibility will be taken by the seller for seized goods.


Experience Level  3*

  • Level 1.....Little gardening experience required , can be sown directly, aftercare easy. ( ie Grass Seed )
  • Level 2.....Easy to germinate ( with instructions ) some general gardening knowledge required , aftercare easy. ( ie Vegetable seed , tomatoes etc )
  • Level 3.....Knowledge of growing from seed beneficial, may have specific soil and water requirements. Aftercare generally easy
  • Level 4.....Experience required and some knowledge of the natural topography of the species beneficial. May be slow to germinate and will have specific soil and water needs. ( ie Cactus and Succulents )
  • Level 5.....May be challenging , slow and erratic to germinate. For very experienced gardeners only ( with plenty of patience ). Difficult though the most rewarding. Do plenty of homework !! ( ie Some alpine species )

Comprehensive germination notes included with each purchase

Money back upon return of your purchase if not completely satified

Feedback will be left promptly after payment , Please leave feedback when you receive your item. It is important to us

If you are interested in the products in my store please feel free to subscribe to receive the latest offers , listings and discounts.

All seed has been inspected by Aqis and meets all Australian importation standards. this may not apply in other countries. Please check with your Custom and quarantine officials if ordering from overseas. No responsibilty will be taken by the seller for seized goods.

                                                                                                        Germination Notes                                                                                                                        Bulbs.......During the last 30 years I have found this to be the most optimum mix for general bulb species. Note that germination times can be very variable and different species may take from just a few days to almost 12 months for germination to occur , though on average, particularly in South African species, 4-6 weeks from sowing to germination is common. This mix will provide crucial drainage , some moisture retention and nutrients and most species will flourish in the mix for at least 2 years before re-potting or planting out is required. Please be aware that many young seedlings (unless evergreen) will go dormant during their off-growing season , ie: Winter growing seedlings will often go dormant during the summer months. During this time it is crucial to keep the pots in a cool,dry situation until initiating regrowth with a gentle watering the following Autumn.

                       Your seed growing mix for bulb species should consist of 1 x part peatmoss (fine) , 1 x part Average garden loam (sieved) and 2 x parts Coarse sand with all ingredients mixed thoroughly together. Fill a standard 6" (15cm) pot to within 1cm of the rim with the pot and drench with boiling water to kill any bacteria,fungi or weed seed that may be present in the garden loam component , allow to cool for approx 10-15 min. After ensuring that mix has cooled sufficiently sprinkle seed evenly ON TOP of the mix (do not bury) and cover lightly with any coarse material to anchor the seed in place ,  I find that 7mm road metal is ideal though any similar inorganic material will suffice. Water pot gently but thoroughly and allow to drain before placing in a bright ( not direct sunlight) sheltered site, eg shadehouse whilst awaiting germination , watering lightly approx every 2 weeks.

                      Please note sowing time is not crucial , for example winter growing species can be sown in Spring , summer or Autumn but germination will not occur until it is initiated by sudden falls in temperature coinciding with increased moisture , therefore germination generally will not occur until Autumn reguardless of when u choose to sow. Obviously the opposite applies in summer growing species.


                      Perennials......For perennials and 'Woodies' the mix will be 2 parts peat , 1 part garden loam , 1 part sand. Due to the higher moisture requirements and less need for perfect drainage.


                      Cacti and Succulents.......1 x part garden loam , 3 x parts coarse sand ( note , NO peat )

                      Growing any plant from seed to maturity is a highly rewarding and enjoyable experience particularly with rare plants. Requiring only patience and a little understanding of the natural habitat of each individual species.

                     Best of luck and Happy gardening

                     Murray Cubis

 More about Discovery Bulbs and Seed

I have been involved in horticulture for 30 years , my original passion was for Cacti/Succulents and rare perennials. About 20 years ago my interest turned to geophytes ( bulbs ) , I have written Blogs for the International Bulb Society on the cultivation of Amaryllids , Chilean Native plants and ornamental Allium, and submitted photos to the IBS website. In 2005 after submitting my plant inventory to the ABS ( Australian Bulb Society ) it was noted I had the largest collection of geophytes on the East Coast of Australia.  This is not my profession , I do a have a real job , unfortunately. My passion is for the conservation and preservation of our slowly diminishing exotic plant life worldwide due to urban development , over collecting and industrial hazards.

Why buy from Discovery Bulbs and Seed?

It is in our best interest that you succeed with your seed purchase , I have had personal experience with the majority of  listings in my store , both with seed raising and aftercare. I am more than happy to help you with any questions you have reguarding your purchase.

I try to sell seed at reasonable quantites , even general weed seed only has a 50% germination rate. With very fresh seed it is possible with good care to get 80% or better germination , the exceptions to this rule are recalcitrant Amaryllid seed ( eg: Brunsvigia , Crinum , Haemanthus , Nerines etc) large fleshy seed which will sprout in the bag even before planting , with this seed 100% is possible and quite common.  I try to list reasonable quantities between 10 and 100 seeds so even if your germination rate is 50% or below you are still guaranteed a nice amount of seedlings. We always try to give you more than you paid for , in some cases only a few more seed , in other cases almost double your purchase. It is not our intention to waste your time and effort on very small quantities.

Always fresh seed ! , Much of the seed listed is grown here in my nursery , some seed is sent to me by like-minded friends worldwide , other seed is imported through reputable seed houses only , that do intermittent germination testing on all their seed. Seed is generally removed and replaced ( if possible) from my store within 18 months of being offered to ensure freshness. Viabilty of seed is dependent on the species and as a rough guideline you can see by the following....

General bulb Seed 2 to 5 years....Cacti and Succulent Seed 1 to 2 years.....Winged amaryllid seed (eg Cyrtanthus , Zephyranthes and Habranthus) 18 months

Cyclamen Seed 5 years ( even longer if soaked in tepid water before sowing).....Recalcitrant Amaryllid Seed 2 or 3 months (Can be extended a little by refrigerating)

Perennial Seed Generally 18 months to 2 years.....Alpine Seed ( eg Gentiana , Lewisia ) 2 years.

Welcome to our store and most importantly HAPPY GARDENING!!!