Original Erscheinungsjahr: Year originally published:
Label: Stoned Karma Label: Stoned Karma
Zustand: Neuware Condition: New
Land: Deutschland Country: Germany
Stil: Psychedelic / Krautrock Style: Psychedelic / Krautrock
Herstellungsjahr: 2017 Date manufactured: 2017
Medium: LP Media: LP
Gewicht.: 228 Weight.: 228
Artikelnr.: SKLP0000011 Cat. no.: SKLP0000011

Bemerkungen / Comments:

Here is the record that will blow your mind and wear off your turntable. Never before an album of this calibre has left Düsseldorf - and this is mighty difficult to do with Kraftwerk and NEU! from this town, but Mushroom Mantras could make Düsseldorf: Vibravoid City!
(Timemazine Magazine)

2018-04-04 23:20 - 382425948028
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2018-04-04 23:20 - 382425948028