Anna Jacobs 4 Books Collection Set The Kershaw Sisters Series:

Titles in this set:

1)Our Polly by Anna Jacobs:
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hodder Paperback
Language: English
1444732404 - ISBN-10
978-1444732405 - ISBN-13
9781444732405 - ISBN-13

2)Our Eva by Anna Jacobs:
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hodder Paperback
Language: English
1444732315 - ISBN-10
978-1444732313 - ISBN-13
9781444732313 - ISBN-13

3)Our Lizzie by Anna Jacobs:
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hodder Paperbacks
Language: English
0340693010 - ISBN-10
978-0340693018 - ISBN-13
9780340693018 - ISBN-13

4)Our Mary Ann by Anna Jacobs:
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Hodder Paperbacks
Language: English
0340821345 - ISBN-10
978-0340821343 - ISBN-13
9780340821343 - ISBN-13


Our Polly (The Kershaw Sisters seri):
Little Billy is the light of Polly's life - it's for her son's sake that she puts up with an unkind mother-in-law and an isolated farm. Then Billy is knocked down by a car, his father killed attempting to save his life, and Polly, cast off by her husband's family, is left with a child who may never walk or talk again. Polly's own family, the Kershaws, provide all the support they can, but they are unable to outmanoeuvre the malicious Dr Browning-Baker , who is determined to have Billy taken away from his mother, depriving him of the exercises and stimulation that are his only hope.

Our Eva (The Kershaw Sisters seri):

Our Lizzie (The Kershaw Sisters series):
Lizzie Kershaw is an independent spirit; ever since her father's death she has had to be a survivor. Home life is harsh, though, and desperate to escape it, she makes an ill-advised marriage. But she discovers all-too-quickly that she's married a selfish and violent man. His beatings never seem to stop and she soon comes to a decision: she must run far, far away.

Our Mary Ann (The Kershaw Sisters series):
Life is tough in Lancashire in 1905 - and especially so for fifteen-year-old Mary Ann, who was born out of wedlock. When her new stepfather begins to abuse her, Mary Ann doesn't know how much more she can take - until the worst happens and she is sent away to bear his child. After the birth, she manages to escape to Blackpool with the help of her new friend Gabriel.