The American Civil War - A Film By Ken Burns DVD (2002) Ken Burns cert E

Title: The American Civil War - A Film By Ken Burns Leading Actor: Ken Burns Duration: 690 mins Format: DVD / Box Set Type: DVD Studio / Publisher: Simply Media UK Release Date: 23 Sep 2002 Edition: Box Set

The entire series by Ken Burns of three volumes documenting the American Civil War. In 'A Very Bloody Affair' it was the South's practice of slavery that sparked off war with the North - a conflict that both sides welcomed initially, although it soon became clear that there was little glory to be had on the field of battle. Included here are the Manassas campaign, the Virginia campaign and Confederate General Robert E. Lee's invasion of Maryland. In 'Valley of the Shadow of Death' the middle years of the conflict saw bloody battles fought at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Chickamauga and Chattanooga, while 150,000 died at the battle of Gettysburg. This was to prove the turning point, although the war in fact dragged on for another two years. Whilst in the final part, 'War is All Hell' the conflict which cost more than 620,000 lives finally ended with William T. Sherman's 'March to the Sea' - the Unionist push into the South - followed by General Lee's surrender. However, just five days after the Union's victory their leader, President Lincoln, was shot dead. Firsthand accounts are read by Jason Robards, Morgan Freeman, Derek Jacobi and others.

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