CD Tristan And Isolde From Richard Wagner 4CDs Conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler

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Tristan and Isolde 

Item number: CLA 10113-2 
Artist: Wagner, Richard/Furtwängler, W. 
Title: Tristan and Isolde 
Label: classi 
Type: 4CDs
Release date: August 26, 2011 

“Tristan and Isolde” is one of Richard Wagner’s (1813-1883) greatest musical dramas. Leonard Bernstein even calls it the “central work of the entire history of music.”

About the content: Tristan, a supposedly particularly virtuous knight, is tasked with bringing the beautiful daughter of King Isolde of Ireland to her future husband Marke, the King of Cornwall. During the crossing to Britain, the two accidentally drink a love potion that was actually intended for Isolde and Marke. Tristan and Isolde immediately fall madly in love with each other. In the aftermath, the lovers break all social and religious laws, bringing ruin on themselves and those around them. After several, increasingly unlikely, adventurous entanglements, the lovers finally succumb to a deception, because of which Tristan first dies and then Isolde dies of grief.

The 4 CD box presented here was recorded by the Chorus Of the Royal Opera House, the Philharmonia Orchestra, Covent Garden and under the direction of Wilhelm Furtwängler. This historical complete recording, which was recorded in 1952 with guests such as Ludwig Suthaus, Kirsten Flagstad, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau and many others, is also special in terms of its sound. Tristan and Isolde is now available in new sound quality and as a 4cd set at a special price!

4 CD, 260 minutes

Track listing:

1/1 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Prelude / Prelude 1. Elevator/Act 1 10.58

1/2 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  The view sweeps westward 1. Scene/Scene 1 6.27

1/3 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  The wind of home blows freshness 2. Scene/Scene 2 4.15

1/4 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Be careful, Tristan! Message from Isolde 2. Scene/Scene 2 5.55

1/5 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Alas, alas! To tolerate this 3. Scene/Scene 3 1.58

1/6 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  How Laughing They Sing Me Songs 3. Scene/Scene 3 2.23

1/7 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  From His Bed He Looks Here 3. Scene/Scene 3 5.18

1/8 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  O blind eyes! Stupid hearts! 3. Scene/Scene 3 2.42

1/9 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Hear Me! Come on! Sit here! 3. Scene/Scene 3 5.13

1/10 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Don't you know the Mother Arts? 3. Scene/Scene 3 4.07

1/11 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  To you women! Fresh and happy! 4. Scene/Scene 4 1.09

1/12 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Bring my greetings to Mr. Tristan 4. Scene/Scene 4 2.52

1/13 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Didn't you hear? Here I stay 4. Scene/Scene 4 4.15

1/14 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Desire, Mistress, What You Wish 5. Scene/Scene 5 3.50

1/15 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Since you are so demure, My Lord Tristan 5. Scene/Scene 5 5.29

2/1 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Was Morold worth that much to you? elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 3.40

2/2 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Hey! Hey! Ha! Hey! The sails on the upper mast! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 1.26

2/3 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Do you hear the call? 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 2.36

2/4 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  On the rope! Anchor go! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 3.47

2/5 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Tristan!...isolde! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 2.47

2/6 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  What did I dream about Tristan's honor? 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 1.41

2/7 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Quickly, the cloak, the royal jewelry! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 2.28

2/8 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Prelude/prelude 2. Elevator/Act 2 2.00

2/9 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Do you still hear them? 1. Scene/Scene 1 3.46

2/10 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Who awaits you - O hear my warning 1. Scene/Scene 1 4.11

2/11 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  O Let the warning light 1. Scene/Scene 1 3.14

2/12 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  And had to use the Minne treacherous potion 1. Scene/Scene 1 3.13

2/13 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Isolde! Lover! 2. Scene/Scene 2 2.33

2/14 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  The light! The light! 2. Scene/Scene 2 2.27

2/15 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  The day! The day! 2. Scene/Scene 2 3.50

2/16 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  O vain day servant 2. Scene/Scene 2 2.40

2/17 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  In your hand the sweet death 2. Scene/Scene 2 3.26

2/18 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Oh, now we were consecrated to the night! 2. Scene/Scene 2 3.36

2/19 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  O sink down, night of love 2. Scene/Scene 2 5.41

2/20 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Lonely Waking At Night 2. Scene/Scene 2 3.30

2/21 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Listen, beloved! 2. Scene/Scene 2 2.19

2/22 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Our love? Tristan's love? 2. Scene/Scene 2 2.48

3/1 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  But our love isn't called Tristan&isolde? 2. elevator, 2. Scene/Act 2, Scene 2 2.26

3/2 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  So We Died To Be Unseparated 2. elevator, 2. Scene/Act 2, Scene 2 2.26

3/3 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Be careful! Be careful! 2. elevator, 2. Scene/Act 2, Scene 2 2.35

3/4 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  O eternal night, sweet night! 2. elevator, 2. Scene/Act 2, Scene 2 3.57

3/5 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Save yourself, Tristan! 3. Scene/Scene 3 1.59

3/6 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Did you really do it? 3. Scene/Scene 3 3.57

3/7 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Why the services without number 3. Scene/Scene 3 3.47

3/8 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  This Wonderful Woman Who Won Me Your Courage 3. Scene/Scene 3 2.12

3/9 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Now that through such possession my heart 3. Scene/Scene 3 3.56

3/10 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  O King, I can't tell you that 3. Scene/Scene 3 1.52

3/11 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Wherever Tristan goes now, you want, Isold' him 3. Scene/Scene 3 3.08

3/12 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Than For A Foreign Country! 3. Scene/Scene 3 2.35

3/13 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Traitor! Ha! For revenge, king! 3. Scene/Scene 3 2.12

3/14 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Prelude/prelude 3. Elevator/Act 3 4.00

3/15 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Shepherd dance 3. Elevator/Act 3 3.17

3/16 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Kurwenal! Hey! Say, Kurwenal! 3. Elevator/Act 3 3.17

3/17 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  bleak and empty the sea!...the old way - what awakens 3. Elevator/Act 3 3.09

3/18 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Where are you? In peace, safe and free! 3. Elevator/Act 3 4.40

3/19 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Does that seem to you? I know differently 3. Elevator/Act 3 4.01

3/20 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Isolde still in the kingdom of the sun! 3. Elevator/Act 3 4.27

4/1 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  The light didn't turn off yet 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 2.50

4/2 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  My Kurwenal, you dear friend! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 2.50

4/3 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Shepherd dance...there is no ship to be seen yet! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 4.47

4/4 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  No! Oh no! That's Not Her Name! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 3.20

4/5 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  The potion! The potion! The Terrible Potion! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 3.06

4/6 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  My lord! Tristan! Terrible magic! 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 2.30

4/7 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  The ship? Don't you see it yet? 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 2.12

4/8 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  How blessed, noble and gentle 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 3.27

4/9 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Shepherd dance...oh joy! Joy! Ha! The ship 1. elevator, 5. Scene/Act 1, Scene 5 3.27

4/10 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  O This sun 2. Scene/Scene 2 3.49

4/11 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  It's me, it's me, sweetest friend! 2. Scene/Scene 2 2.20

4/12 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  The wound? Where? Let them heal me! 2. Scene/Scene 2 4.05

4/13 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Kurwenal! Listen! A second ship 3. Scene/Scene 3 4.20

4/14 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Dead Because Everything! 3. Scene/Scene 3 1.54

4/15 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  She's awake! She lives! Isolde! 3. Scene/Scene 3 3.29

4/16 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Mild and quiet as he smiles 3. Scene/Scene 3 3.43

4/17 Philharmonia Orchestra/Furtwängler
  Sounding brighter, surging around me 3. Scene/Scene 3 3.20



About the content: Tristan, a supposedly particularly virtuous knight, is tasked with bringing the beautiful daughter of King Isolde of Ireland to her future husband Marke, the King of Cornwall. During the crossing to Britain, the two accidentally drink a love potion that was actually intended for Isolde and Marke. Tristan and Isolde immediately fall madly in love with each other. In the aftermath, the lovers break all social and religious laws, bringing ruin on themselves and those around them. After several, increasingly unlikely, adventurous entanglements, the lovers finally succumb to a deception, because of which Tristan first dies and then Isolde dies of grief. The 4 CD box presented here was recorded by the Chorus Of the Royal Opera House, the Philharmonia Orchestra, Covent Garden a
Titel Tristan Und Isolde
Musiktitel Tristan und Isolde
Format CD
Erscheinungsjahr 2011
Sprache Deutsch
Sub-Genre Oper & Operette
Stilrichtung Oper & Operette
Sampler Nein
Genre Klassik & Oper
Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Type 4 CD
Künstler Wilhelm Furtwängler,Philharmonia Orchester Covent
Interpret Richard Wagner - Wilhelm Furtwängler, Philharmonia Orchestra / Ludwig Suthaus, Kirsten Flagstad, Thebom*, Greindl*, Fischer-Dieskau*