Artist: William Greengrass (1896-1970). Female Nude. Pen & Ink & Wash

Subject Female Nude

Medium: Drawing. Pastel

Size of Sheet: 14.5 (37 cms.) x 11 (28 cms). approx.

William Greengrass studied at the Grosvenor School of Modern Art, London, under the Futurist Claude Flight, who taught how to make linocuts. Though Greengrass failed to win the acclaim enjoyed by fellow classmates, including Sybil Andrews and Cyril Power, his linocuts – which use angular forms and powerful lines to convey movement – have a small but enthusiastic following today; his print of jazz musicians, for example, fetched over £8,000 at Bloomsbury auction house, London, in 2008.

Aside from a small output of linocuts, Greengrass produced a number of very fine female nude studies.

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