• 2.5" Sharp Wine RED QUARTZ Sharp Crystals Sticking Up on Hematite China for sale
  • Location:

    Jinlong Hill, Longchuan County, Heyuan Prefecture, Guangdong Province, China


    2.5" x 2.4" x 1.5"

    Suggested Stand:

    A display square comes free with this specimen.

  • Description:

    Specimens like this one, with dark red, hematite coated quartz crystals on a bed of hematite plates, have been coming out of China for years. Recently, the mines there have been producing noticeably fewer specimens with good red color, and more of the clear quartz specimens. This piece is a good representative sample of this attractive combination of minerals, with long quartz crystals to 2.5", deep wine red color, and attractive groups of hematite crystals gathered around the bases of the quartz crystals.

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    >$500 -5%
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