TEC1-12706 - Peltier 40x40mm chip

Thermoelectric modules are magical devices that create a dramatic temperature differential between the two sides of their ceramic plates when electric current is applied. This is the most popular, low-cost Peltier chip.

If you are looking for more power in the same footprint, I recommend you check out our TEC1-12715 as well (click).

You can always run these at lower voltages for higher efficiency - as the current decreases, the coefficient of performance increases. At 12 volts the ΔT is almost 60°C. As you decrease the voltage and current draw, ΔT will decrease, but even at 1 volt there is a noticeable temperature difference, accompanied by the most efficient heat pumping you will find for this price.

Take your temperature control needs to a new level with solid-state.

These solid state devices are finding their ways into many creative applications. At Cold&Colder, we use them for custom-built server cabinet cooling. Since we use them ourselves, we can offer you advice on your application needs. Any questions are welcome. Bulk orders welcome, we have over 1,000 pcs in stock.