Tales of Kansas in the Civil War

Eleventh Regiment, Price Raid, Platte Bridge, Prairie Grove, John Kitts Diary, etc.

Compiled various volumes of the Kansas State Historical Society, this NEW spiral-bound 74-page book --  featuring the 11th Regiment, Price Raid, Battle at Platte Bridge, Battle at Prairie Grove, John Kitts Diary, etc. -- is printed on 8.5" x 11" quality paper. The front cover is protected by a vinyl sheet.


"Company A, Eleventh Kansas Regiment, in the Price Raid" -- Capt. H.E. Palmer gives a colorful account of his personal experiences and impressions of the Price Raid in October 1864. Confederate Major-General Sterling Price, an ex-governor of Missouri, was in charge of the raid on Missouri and Kansas. The writer says If Joe Shelby, Marmaduke, Cockrell, Cabell or Fagan had been in command, rather than 'Old Pap Price,'...Kansas would have been devastated... (Vol. IX 1905-1906)

"Fourth Kansas Militia in the Price Raid" -- A first-hand account of the Price Raid by William T. McClure. A sample paragraph begins I hitched my horse to a rail fence in a corn field, and laid down in a furrow, with my saddle for a pillow and gun by my side, and slept soundly...At daybreak the bugle sounded, and we were almost instantly in line. Price had evidently started for this crossing... (Vol. VIII 1903-1904)

"A Colonel of Kansas" -- A biography of Col. Henry C. Lindsey, captain of Company A, 18th Kansas Regiment and Colonel of the 22nd Kansas Regiment. He began work on a newspaper for $1.00 a week and board, and soon after began his military service as a drummer boy with Company E of the Eleventh Kansas Infantry, serving in the battles of Cane Hill and Prairie Grove. By the time of the Price Raid, Lindsey was a Second Lieutenant and the Eleventh had become a Cavalry Regiment. The article also concerns Senator Edmund G. Ross of Kansas. (Vol. XII 1911-1912 )

"The Eleventh Kansas Regiment at Platte Bridge" -- S.H. Fairfield, a postmaster in Company K, Eleventh Kansas volunteers, tells of his adventures with Indians late in the Civil War. Col. Thomas Moonlight, a native of Scotland, Maj. Martin Anderson, Lt. J.M. Hubbard, L.W. Emmons, Major-General Dodge, and other officers are mentioned. (Vol. VIII 1903-1904)

"Eleventh Kansas Cavalry, 1865, and the Battle of Platte Bridge" -- Another perspective on the Battle of Platte Bridge, this one given by George M. Walker of Salina, KS. A map of the battle field is included. (Vol. XIV 1915-1918)

"The Civil War Diary of John Howard Kitts" -- Kitts, a member of Company E, Eleventh Kansas Regiment, kept a "memorandum book" at various times during his Civil War service. Excerpts from the book begin with an entry on August 23, 1862. Here's a sample entry: November 6. Nothing new. Went out after forage and got a load of wheat, some cabbage, turnips, tobacco, horse and apples. The old cuss raved and tore around when we took his stuff. (Vol. XIV 1915-1918)

"Battle of Prairie Grove" -- The Union commander General James G. Blunt claimed "No battle during the present war has been more determined and bloody, and never was there a field upon which, considering the number of troops engaged and the time occupied, the slaughter was as great..." Confederate commander, Gen. Thomas C. Hindman, told his men "When occasion offers, be certain to pick off the enemy's officers, especially the mounted ones, and to kill his artillery horses...Plunderers and stragglers will be put to death upon the spot...The enemy...ranks are composed of Pin Indians, free-Negroes, Southern tories, Kansas jayhawkers, and hired Dutch cutthroats." Author, W.W. Denison, writes of the "obscure, confused and contradictory...official records" of this engagement. Example: Gen. Blunt's claim that he had only 7,000 men in the battle, while Gen. Hindman estimated the Union loss at 19,000! (Vol. XVI 1923-1925)

"Incident of the Upper Arkansas in 1864" -- An Indian confrontation near Fort Dodge in the midst of the Civil War. (Vol. X 1907-1908)

"The Frontier Guard at the White House, 1861" -- This brief article contains the names of some of the 120 members of the guard ordered to protect the White House following the attack on the Sixth Massachusetts regiment by a mob in Baltimore. They were under the command of Gen. James Lane. (Vol. X 1907-1908)

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