Beautiful Photo featuring Golf Legends Ben Hogan & Sam Snead at the 1954 Masters.  Perfect to frame & display at your golf club, sports or memorabilia room

* watermark will NOT appear on your photo
* photo is available in multiple sizes (choose from the drop down menu above)

* The quality of our photos truly sets us apart

* Take advantage of our ongoing BUY 3 GET 1 FREE PROMOTION and our combined, flat rate shipping, by using the "ADD TO CART" button when selecting your items.  Add items in multiples of 4 to your shopping cart and the 4th will be deducted from your purchasing during checkout.  The B3G1 Free promotion is not limited to this one item and includes all items from our huge store selection


- 8x10 come borderless
- 8.5x11, 11x14 & 11x17 come with a small 1/8 inch white border
- 16x20 come with a small 1/5 inch white border
- white borders will not show once matted and/or framed


- 11x14 and smaller packaged between 5-6 layers of thick protective cardboard
- 11x17 & 16x20 sizes ship rolled

* Please note that sizes 11x14 and smaller may ship rolled if purchased with 11x17 and/or 16x20 depending on the size of the order