Natural anti aging oils and essential oils contain important vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants that fight environmental damage and reverse aging for an eye lifting and firming serum that works.  Bel Essence combines oils for a powerful formula to smooth, firm and smooth the delicate skin under eyes. The anti wrinkle eye serum keeps skin hydrated, reduces fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, reduces puffiness and minimizes dark circles.  The oils penetrate deep into the skin, softening and hydrating.  The anti aging eye serum promotes the production of elastin and collagen, which delay the appearance of and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.   

  • HYDRATING:  penetrates deep into the skin, softening and hydrating.

  • NOURISHES: Vitamin C serum that promotes the production of elastin and collagen, which delay the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and give the skin a more youthful appearance.  High in antioxidants (Vitamins A and E) which fight environmental damage to the skin.

  • REBUILDS: Reduces the wrinkles around the eyes, brightens skin and restores skin tone..   

USE:  Apply one or two drops at a time, massage until absorbed, repeat over affected area.  Avoid direct contact with eyes.  If skin is oily after application, reduce the amount used. 

INGREDIENTS:  Castor Oil, Grapeseed oil, Almond oil, Rosehip Oil, Rosemary Oil, Lavender Oil

Enjoy the products our customers love! "I highly recommend this serum. I don't have dark circles so I can't comment on that. Try it. The price is right and your skin will appreciate it. Tess