This is an antique map reproduction print of Spartanburg South Carolina originally produced in 1922. The map features several geographical aspects that include streets, railroads and railways, rivers, creeks, ponds, mills and factories, parks and squares, cemeteries, hospitals, schools and colleges and much more! The map makes a wonderful gift for Spartanburg historians and history buffs, geographers, genealogists, those with local ancestry, vacationers and tourists, residents or simply anyone who loves this South Carolinian city. The map also makes a perfect decorative addition to any home or office!

Museum-quality posters made on thick and durable matte paper. Add a wonderful accent to your room and office with these posters that are sure to brighten any environment.

• Paper thickness: 10.3 mil
• Paper weight: 5.6 oz/y² (192 g/m²)
• Giclée printing quality
• Opacity: 94%