

Meccano Parts Spreadsheet with 3D CAD Illustrations


A definitive listing of all Liverpool parts - Standard parts 1901-1979, Clock Kit, Electronic Control, Elektrikit, Electrical Outfit, Hornby System, Lighting Set, Army, Multikit, Motors and plastic Meccano.


Information includes part classifications, DMS references, dates of MM advertising and withdrawal, sets in which included, diametric pitch, voltage and RPM.


Every part illustrated in colour in Autodesk® CAD (Autodesk® Design Review included with CD).  Photo-realistic 3D illustrations can be zoomed, rotated, and viewed from any angle, and compound parts (e.g. motors) viewed in sections.


Requires MS Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 2000.


With MS Excel or OpenOffice Suite, the .xls spreadsheet can be sorted, filtered or user-modified, e.g. to record parts in a collection.  MS Excel Viewer (included with CD) provides full read-only functionality.


Ref: 3DParts    Price: £19.95