Master Key System : Live Your Life on Higher Planes: Centenary Edition, Paperback by Haanel, Charles F., ISBN 1456336045, ISBN-13 9781456336042, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

The revised 2017 Edition, including 12 hours of video by Helmar Rudolph, as well as over 50 emails, accompanying you for your six months of studying

This is no ordinary book - it is a life-changing course! In 24 weekly lessons - there never were 28, as some claim - Charles Haanel elucidates on the Creative Principle, and how you can bring yourself into alignment with Natural (Universal) Laws that underlie all of Creation. Each of the 24 chapters contains an exercise, which is crucial to your success, as well as a final Q&A session.

Frankly, there is no book available that is more precise and concise in explaining who you are and how you can tap into the amazing potential that you have at your disposal. There is no book more practical and powerful in unlocking this potential and helping you make your dreams come true.

But is it for you? Well, if you desire a life in health, wealth and happiness, then YES! If you have the feeling that there's untapped resource hidden inside of you, but lack the 'key' to unlock it, then YES - and it's really that simple! This is what you will get:

Make no mistake: this is hard mental work, but those persevering enough will reap rewards impossible to express in words.

Although the Master Key System was first published in 1916, it has lost nothing of its value. In fact, with a rapidly changing social, economic and natural environment, everything today depends on how fit you are to adapt and adjust - and this is first and foremost a mental fitness.

This Centenary Edition is different to all others on the market. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the MKS (in 2016), Helmar Rudolph took Charles F. Haanel's age-old wisdom and put it in a new format, added a fresh and easy to read layout, and enhanced it with his own explanations and commentary. It is an unabridged, original version that is as beautiful to the eye as it is to the mind. For the first time ever it makes the MKS available to anyone with an earnest desire in improving their life and controlling their circumstances.

Please note: This material was previously made available only to a select few, and in ancient days only Initiates were allowed to study it - for good reason. It is therefore advised you treat it with respect and reverence, because what is taught there is the Master Key - the key to Universal Forces.

Using the Master Key, you consciously co-create and assume powers previously unthought of. With high ideals and determined action you lift Mankind onto higher planes of existence.

So, the knowledge is here for the taking, as well as all the support you may need.