Stilo DG-10 Intercom AB0500 

Key Features
- Start and end a phone call via Bluetooth
- Driver and co-driver volume control
- Backlit keyboard for easy viewing at night
- Ergonomics delivering positive non slip operation
- Backlit keyboard for easy viewing at night
- DIG: 3 options of noise cancellation settings, 2 digital active or 1 analog
- Stage/Road: Stage mode camera on, radio and telephone off. Road mode camera off, radio and telephone on. Noise cancellation pre-programmed settings in both Stage and Road.
- White connector: radio connection
- Red connector: camera connection
Digital Noise Cancellation
Why Digital? The next generation of Stilo digital intercoms offers a dramatic step forward with its active digital noise cancelling.
Digital, unlike the limited capabilities of old analogue intercoms, has the capability of active digital noise cancelling, which in a millisecond can separate the vitally important sound of the drivers voices from the excessive bad noises of the engine, transmissions and road surface and filter these right down while improving the more important sound of the communications between driver and co-driver. A whole new world in rally sport communications is now available from Stilo.

For use with: WRC DES Range, ST5R Range, ST4R Range, Trophy DES Plus