Chempak 2 - High Nitrogen. The early season fertiliser for greenhouse and garden
A soluble rapid growth plant food formula as used by exhibition growers with higher nitrogen for spring feeding. All Chempak Soluble Plant Foods contain seven essential trace elements, far more than ordinary fertiliser. They are fully soluble which means they start to work instantly. Chempak Formula 2 has a high nitrogen content, particularly useful for the start of the season, getting the leaves and stems of young plants off to a strong start. (N:P:K - 25:15:15) 

Chempak 3 - Multi purpose balanced plant food formula for all house and garden plants
The soluble fertiliser used by professionals and leading growers. All Chempak Soluble Plant Foods contain seven essential trace elements, far more than ordinary soluble fertiliser. These trace elements are absolutely necessary to plant growth and serious disorders can occur if any are absent. They are fully soluble which means they start to work instantly. Chempak Formula 3 has identical proportions of the primary nutrients - nitrogen, phosphate and potash, which make it perfect for all plants all year round.
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Chempak 4 - High potash summer fertiliser for tomatoes, flowers and vegetables. 
The soluble plant food for better blooms and bigger crops. All Chempak Soluble Plant Foods contain seven essential trace elements, far more than ordinary soluble fertiliser. These trace elements are absolutely necessary to plant growth and serious disorders can occur if any are absent. They are fully soluble which means they start to work instantly. (N:P:K - 15:15:30)

Chempak 8 - Low Nitrogen. A summer fertiliser for heathers, conifers and other plants. Useful for building up vegetables.
A fully soluble lower nitrogen plant food for mature growth. All Chempak Soluble Plant Foods contain seven essential trace elements, far more than ordinary soluble fertiliser. These trace elements are absolutely necessary to plant growth and serious disorders can occur if any are absent. They are fully soluble which means they start to work instantly.

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How and when to use:
Normal Strength Use: Dissolve 2 level measures of crystals in 5 litres (approx.1 gallon) of water and apply to your plants every 7 to 10 days. Ensure the soil or compost is well moistened.
For more frequent use: Some gardeners prefer to use dilute feed more often. Dissolve 1 level measure in 10 litres of water and apply at every watering. At this strength this pack will make over 1,600 litres of plant food.