• Helpful in rasayana
  • Used in : General weakness, rejuvenate, restorative
  • Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day, preferably with milk
  • Quantity: 60 Capsules; Item Form: Capsules
  • Target Audience: Men

Important information


Safed Musli, Irani Akarkara, Shilajit, Kaunch Beej, Ashwagandha, Gokhru, Amla, Trikatu, Salabmishri, Jaiphal, Lavanga, Pippali & 3 other powerful herbs.

Legal Disclaimer:

Product is approved by Ayush Department - Govt of India & GMP certified

Product description

Max King Premium is scientifically formulated from 13 powerful herbs extracts after extensive trails & approval from Ayush Department. Max King Premium is designed for spreading happiness in your married life. High-quality herbs extracts used