Gettysburg...before, during and after



The history of Adams County, PA, which includes Gettysburg,
 site of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War, is recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this
NEW 85-Page Booklet, reprinted from five hard-to-find vintage books. The spiral-bound booklet is printed on 60# paper, with the print size adjusted to fit the 8 1/2 x 11" paper and enhance readability. A clear vinyl sheet protects the front cover.

 Source books include: Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania (1843) by Sherman Day; An Illustrated History of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1876) by William Egle, M.D.; Pennsylvania, a Guide to the Keystone State compiled by WPA writers; and My Pennsylvania, a 1946 project of the Bureau of  Publications, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and Women of the War (1866) by Frank Moore. (Some Information may be repeated in various excerpts, but often with a different slant or with additional details.)

Besides Gettysburg, the past and present Adams County communities include: Abbottstown, Arendtsville, Beechersville, Berlin, Caledonia, Cashtown, East Berlin, Fairfield, Hampton, Hanover (Rogue's Rest), Heidlersburg, Hilltown, Hunterstown, Littlestown, McSherrystown, Mechanicsville, Middletown, Millerstown, Mummasburg, New Chester, New Oxford, New Salem, Petersburg, Seven Stars, Waynesboro and York Springs.

The Day and Egle histories cover the early development of this area, while excerpts from the WPA book, give a nostalgic glimpse from a 1940 vantage point, including interesting historical notes, especially as they relate to sightseeing possibilities. 

Among the many and diverse subjects taken from these books are: Physical features and geological traits; Early Settlers and population origins, largely Scotch-Irish Presbyterian and German; "The Tape-Worm," an unbuilt $700,000 railroad and political fiasco in 1842; Red/Blue Cockade vs. Black Cockade - a sign of political unrest; Early Churches; the Lutheran Theological Seminary; Pennsylvania College (Gettysburg College); an Expensive Pair of Shoes; a Wild Hot Air Balloon Ride; York Sulphur Springs; Captured by Indians; a Day by Day Account of the Battle of Gettysburg; a Tour of the Battlefield; the Soldier's National Cemetery; the Battle at Hanover; the Adams County Agricultural Society; the 1938 Blue and Gray Reunion and other interesting bits of history and trivia.

 The newly added excerpt from Moore's book, a chapter titled "What We Did at Gettysburg," is a vivid first-hand account of the care of the 21,000 wounded of both armies after the battle, including the reaction of the local residents. 

Another new addition to the booklet is from My Pennsylvania and includes a 1940s map of the county, several photos and a concise update of the county's progress as it looked shortly after World War II. 

The booklet has no index, but I went through and picked out the following names: Rev. Alexander Dobbin, James Cunningham, Jonathan Hoge, James Johnston, Garret Vanosdol, James Gettys, Rev. Paxton, Rev. Watson, Rev. John Black, Rev. David McConaughy, McPherson, Warrell, William McClellan (McLellen), Capt. David Wilson, Capt. Nicolas Bittinger, Rev. S.S. Schmucker, Rev. Benjamin Kurtz, Rev. E. L. Hazelius, Charles P. Krauth, Henry I. Smith, Rev. D. Jacobs, Rev. H.L. Baugher, Rev. W. M. Reynolds, Rev. Henry I. Smith, D. Gilbert, M.L. Stoever, Gottlob Bessler, John Wise (balloonist), John McClellan, Peter Fleck, Isaac Sadler, Jacob Garner, Jacob Fickes, McCosh, Richard Bard, Hannah McBride, Samuel Hunter, Daniel McManimy, William White, Lt. Thomas Potter, David Moore, Joseph Farris, Hugh McKean, Matthew Black, Robert McPherson, William Black, James Agnew, John Alexander, Moses Jenkins, Richard Hall, Richard Fosset, Adam Hall, James Wilson, John Steel, John Johnson, John Hamilton, Hugh Vogan, John McWharter, Hugh Sweeny, Titus Darley, Thomas Hosack, Allison, Campbell, Horrison, Edie, Rev. James A. Brown, Rev. Charles A. Hay, Rev. J.G. Morris, Rev. S.A. Holman, Rev. J. Herbst, John L. Rice, Thaddeus Stevens (famous abolishionist), David Wills, Gov. Curtin, Joseph Griest, Dr. John Arnold, Daniel Deardorff, Henry Martzsaal, John Hartman, Albert Van Dyke, Col. Richard McAllister, Mary Jemison ("White Woman of the Genessee"), Major Calvin Gilbert, John Burns, Jenny Wade, Joshua Speakman, Vincent Pilkington, Henry Kuhn, Joseph Pattison, John Frankenberger, Peter Houshill, Andrew Comfort, John Hildebrand, Charles Himes, James Sarbach, James Mackey, Robert John Chester and Peter Lane.

ILLUSTRATIONS include: Gettysburg (about 1842), Theological Seminary (2 pictures), Pennsylvania College (2 pictures), York Sulpher Springs, Gen. Lee's Headquarters, General Mead's Headquarters, Plan of Battle of Gettysburg, National Monument (full page), Monument to General Reynolds, Map of Gettysburg showing Points of Interest.

Wouldn't this make a unique gift?