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We are the leading antiquarian booksellers in Latin America & members of ILAB (International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, London) & ABA (Antiquarian Booksellers Association, London). We have been in business for more than 35 years. We are a general antiquarian bookstore with emphasis in rare books and manuscripts related to the Spanish speaking world.

Five Rare Nineteenth-Century Breviaries, 4 of Them Printed in Mexico 

Officia sanctorum in breviario romano: ex mandato summorum pontificum novitèr apponenda tàm de praecepto, quàm ad libitum recitanda: et alia, quae generaliter in Hispania. Mexici typis Sacrorum Librorum apud D. Mariae Fernandez à Jauregui), 1805.

Small 4to [6], 416 p. Engraved titlepage in red and black.  Contemporary sheepskin, gold tooling on both covers, rubbed, lacking  a piece on the spine.

*Medina (Mexico) 9744; Palau 199071


Officia propria sanctorum ordinis S.P.N. Augustini, ibidem, 1810,

127, [1] pp. 

*Palau 199103 Medina (Mexico) 10396


In festo Sancti Ioanis Nepomuceni, Angelop  (Puebla de los Ángeles),  Typ. Gubiernationis, 1828 

19 pp. 1h.


Die XXII Januárii in festo Sancti Vincéntii Levítae et martyris, duplex secúndae classis cum octáva,  Matriti, Typis Regiae Societatis, 1819,

6p. 1h.


Officia propria sanctorum ordinis S.P.N. Augustini. Mexici, ex typographia Mariani Arevalo, 1841.

32p. (g.6807) RF  956.  X99X001184