“Creatures of the Deep: In Search of the Sea's 'Monsters' and the World They Live In” by Erich Hoyt.

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DESCRIPTION:  Hardcover with dustjacket.  Publisher: Firefly Books (2001).  Pages: 160.  Size:  11¼ x 9¼ inches; 2½ pounds.  Summary: Award-winning nature and science writer Erich Hoyt tells the riveting story of the discovery of the deep ocean. Weaving together details from the latest scientific research about sharks, giant squid, dragonfish and the huge tube worms, clams and tiny microbes of the deep-sea vents, Hoyt embarks on a magical journey to the bottom of the sea, which is inhabited not by vicious monsters but by diverse species of pale starfish and mud-eating sea cucumbers. Roaming across the abyssal plains and descending deep-sea trenches, he presents as much about the character and charisma of these and other so-called monsters as about the extraordinary world in which they live.

The deep sea is not one place but many, and the animals living in each of these marine habitats have developed fascinating and vital ecological relationships with one another. Hoyt unravels the complex predator-prey relationships, from "killer" copepods to battles among giant squid and sperm whales, presenting compelling portraits of animals that are superbly adapted denizens of a dark high-pressure world. There are life-forms, independent of sunlight and photosynthesis, that flourish around the hot, sulfurous deep-sea vents in the magnificent rift valley of the mid-ocean ridge, the world's longest mountain range.

Surviving in conditions that appear to be close to the very soup of primordial Earth, these microbes have become the basis for the latest research into the Earth's origins. Fully illustrated with fantastic underwater imagery, “Creatures of the Deep” will help you enjoy and appreciate the findings and the importance of deep-sea work in the coming decades. The 21st century may well be the era of deep-ocean discovery. Creatures of the Deep won the prestigious Outstanding Book of the Year Award from the American Society of Journalists & Authors, Inc., in New York.

CONDITION:  NEW. New hardcover w/dustjacket. Still in manufacturer's wraps. Firefly Books (2001) 160 pages. Unblemished and pristine in every respect. Pages are clean, crisp, unmarked, unmutilated, tightly bound, unambiguously unread. Satisfaction unconditionally guaranteed. In stock, ready to ship. No disappointments, no excuses. PROMPT SHIPPING! HEAVILY PADDED, DAMAGE-FREE PACKAGING! Meticulous and accurate descriptions! Selling rare and out-of-print ancient history books on-line since 1997. We accept returns for any reason within 30 days! #2220a.




REVIEW:  In "Creatures of the Deep" award-winning nature and science writer Erich Hoyt gives readers a glimpse of the amazing variety of creatures found in the deepest parts of the ocean. Weaving together details from the latest scientific research about sharks, giant squid, dragonfish, huge tube worms, clams and tiny microbes of the deep-sea vents, Hoyt embarks on a magical journey roaming across the abyssal plains and descending into deep-sea trenches more than 20,000 feet down. Hoyt unravels the complex predator-prey relationships, from "killer" copepods to battles between giant squid and sperm whales, presenting compelling portraits of animals that are superbly adapted denizens of a dark high-pressure world. There are life forms, independent of sunlight and photosynthesis, which flourish around the hot, sulfurous deep-sea vents in the magnificent rift valley of the mid-ocean ridge, the world's longest mountain range. Surviving in conditions that appear to be close to the very soup of primordial Earth, these microbes have become the basis for the latest research into Earth's origins. Fully illustrated with fantastic underwater imagery.

REVIEW:  This text tells the story of the discovery of the deep ocean. Weaving together details from the latest scientific research about sharks, giant squid, dragonfish and the huge tubeworm, clams and tiny microbes of the deep-sea vents, the author embarks on a journey to the bottom of the sea, which is inhabited not by vicious monsters but by diverse species of pale starfish and mud-eating sea cucumbers. Roaming across the abyssal plains and descending deep-sea trenches, the book presents as much about the character and charisma of these and other so-called monsters as about the extraordinary environment in which they live. The deep sea is not one place but many, and the animals living in each of these marine habitats have developed fascinating and vital ecological relationships with one another. Illustrated with over 100 color photographs.

REVIEW:  An illustrated discovery of the deep ocean and the many and diverse creatures living there.

REVIEW:  Erich Hoyt has spent much of his life on, beneath or near the sea, working with whales and dolphins and marine conservation. The acclaimed author of “Orca: The Whale Called Killer”, “Meeting the Whales”, “Riding With the Dolphins”, “The Earth Dwellers” and “Insect Lives”. Hoyt lives in Scotland.

FROM THE AUTHOR: I am an author of books on wildlife and science for adults and kids; I like to tell a story that hasn't been told using my own style of narrative nonfiction. I am also a researcher and lecturer (working in Japan, Russia and many other countries). I like exploring new frontiers, trying new things...I have been very fortunate to work with various dolphin and whale species in many countries, as well as ants in the tropical rain forest.

My first book, “Orca: The Whale Called Killer”, tells the story of seven summers I spent living among three big "families" or pods of killer whales (orcas) off northern Vancouver Island, Canada.  My newest books include “Weird Sea Creatures” (for age 12 to adult) featuring state-of-the-art photographs of the latest amazing deep sea animals, many of them only discovered in the past couple years and some still un-named. My previous books include: “Seasons of the Whale”, recently published in an updated ebook edition. In this book I follow several known humpback, right and blue whales through a momentous year in their lives -- a true story of the year that the North Atlantic Ocean began to "talk back" to those who cared about it as well as to those who didn't.

In “The Earth Dwellers”, I get down to a few centimeters off the ground and trace several years in the lives of a colony of leafcutter ants and the scientists who study them in Costa Rica. In alternative chapters, I weave the story of the ants and the story of the scientists -- two well known entomologists (insect scientists), EO Wilson from Harvard and Bill Brown from Cornell who trade arguments, jokes and banter in their pursuit of the big find. I loved researching and writing “Creatures of the Deep”, with its literary, historical, mythical and actual journeys to the bottom of the sea as well as along the world's longest mountain range (underwater) and starting from the tiniest organisms up the long food chain to the top predators. It's a story of a dark, high pressure, unexplored world and bizarre, little known creatures that communicate by touch, flashing lights and who knows what else.

These books are for adults but variously enjoyed by young adults and older kids. I have also written four other books just for kids. As a working scientist and conservationist, I also write scientific papers, reports and books such as “Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises: A World Handbook for Cetacean Habitat Conservation and Planning” (Taylor & Francis, London & New York, 2011). I am a Research Fellow with WDC -- Whale and Dolphin Conservation and a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission - Cetacean Specialist Group and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas. I also help direct the Far East Russia Orca Project, a long-term project with Russian scientists to understand the killer whales in the vast Russian waters, and the Russian Cetacean Habitat Project, which studies Baird's beaked whales, North Pacific right whales, and humpback whales in the Russian Commander Islands Biosphere Reserve.

I enjoy giving talks and illustrated presentations. In the past few years, I have been invited to speak in the UK, France, Russia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, the US, Mexico, Suriname, Panama, Monaco, Argentina and Chile. I especially enjoyed working in Japan giving simulated whale watch presentations at the 2005 World Expo (theme: nature's wonders) and at the World Whale Watching Conference and the Symposium: New Tales about Whales in Science, Society & Art, at the UN University, Tokyo, Dec 2010. In 2014, I helped launch the first Japanese Whale & Dolphin Watching Organization in Tokyo. My other talks are about "my life with orcas", creating marine reserves, "from ants to whales", and the future of marine conservation, "creatures of the deep", and the best dolphin and whale watching around the world. I also give talks on writing popular science with a story: narrative nonfiction, and on preparing book proposals that sell. At a recent public lecture in Adelaide, Australia, I talked about several subjects linked by my search for stories: "Of Orcas, Ants and Creatures of the Deep".

FROM THE AUTHOR: In 2001, when “Creatures of the Deep” was first published, I wrote that we were embarking on a great century of discovery in the deep ocean. That prediction is on course. In 2007, fishermen off New Zealand hauled to the surface the largest colossal squid ever seen by humans (though still never observed alive in its natural habitat). In 2010, researchers reported on the Census of Marine Life, a decade-long investigation into life in the oceans that described some 6,000 potential new species, mainly in the deep sea. Soon after that announcement, scientists raised the estimated number of oceanic species named and known to science from 220,000 to 240,000, an increase of 20,000 new species that make their homes in the sea. Thanks to an expedition that launched from Japan in June 2012, we were able to watch the first video of a living giant squid in the wild. Also in 2012, after a gap of 50 years, we shared the excitement of the second manned visit to the deepest spot in the ocean--Challenger Deep, at the southern end of the Mariana Trench--undertaken by filmmaker James Cameron.

There's much, much more. For example, in 2006, on the North Icelandic Shelf near Grimsey Island on the Arctic Circle, researchers from Bangor University in Wales dredged up what they took to be 400-year-old specimens of the clam Arctica islandica. The age of one of the clams was subsequently determined to be 507 years, which was confirmed by carbon dating. The longest-lived non-colonial animal with an accurately determined life span, this clam was named Ming, a tribute to the fact that it had started life during the Chinese Ming Dynasty. While there is no way of knowing just how much longer Ming might have lived had the clam been left on the ocean floor, its discovery does lead us to wonder what secrets to a long and happy life are to be found in the cold waters north of Iceland.

Around the deep-sea hydrothermal vents, researchers have discovered the scaly-foot snail--a gastropod with a hard-shell foot adapted to withstand hot conditions--and the furry abominable crab, also known as the Yeti crab. Found in the South Pacific Ocean in 2005, this crab has a fur coat, which seems strangely out of place for a creature living near a site where supercritical water (whose physical properties lie between those of a gas and a liquid) pours out from the hottest parts of the vents at temperatures up to 867 degrees F (464 degrees C). And there is not just one Yeti crab but several and perhaps many; different species appear to live at different hydrothermal vents.

Yeti crabs have also been discovered at so-called cold vents, or cold methane seeps, where water transports dissolved elements from the seabed. Oregon State University's Andrew Thurber and his colleagues uncovered a notable new Yeti species, Kiwa puravida, during an Alvin submarine cruise off Costa Rica in 2006. A microbe specialist, Thurber studied how the new Yeti rhythmically swings its chelipeds, or claws (which are covered in dense setae and epibiotic bacteria), above the methane seep in what appears to be a form of symbiosis with the bacteria. These Yeti are thought to farm the bacteria, caring for them, nurturing them and perhaps consuming them, much like the ants that stand guard over subdued aphids, feeding from their sugary secretions and, as needed, eating the aphids.

Many such "tiny fauna" stories reveal the lives of microbes--the bacteria, archaeans and other mostly single-cell organisms called protists--that live in symbioses with squid, jellyfish and zooplankton, providing a source of food as well as light for communication and more. Microbes are so hardy that they can live inside rocks that lie 1,900 feet (580 m) below the deep seafloor.  Most estimates of biological diversity in the sea hover around one million species, but according to some biologists, 10 million species is not out of the question. Clearly, we are still at the beginning of the grand adventure that is the human effort to understand these species and their relationships with one another. But if every species has a story, then an ecosystem is like a multilayered epic novel, one that details the relationships between the novel's characters. As a setting, the ocean has the most extensive--and some of the richest--ecosystems on our planet.

Ecosystem is one of those fuzzy words, overused and dimly understood. The Oxford Dictionary defines it simply as "a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment." For our purposes, this means all life in the sea, as well as the sea itself, including the seamounts and trenches, the mid-ocean ridge and the nutrient matter floating through the deep. The ecosystem is the network of all the above and their interactions. The question is: Where does an ecosystem begin and end? Some conversations confine an ecosystem to a small space about the size of a room, a house or a neighborhood; other discussions consider the ocean ecosystem as one system; some, like scientist James Lovelock, regard Earth and its atmosphere as one ecosystem.

What we're talking about here resides somewhere between these extremes. We might usefully consider an ecosystem from the point of view of an animal, its community of interacting organisms and its physical environment. In the case of a sea cucumber filtering matter from the ocean floor, this environment may be relatively small. But for a barnacle on a humpback whale that migrates about 5,000 miles (8,000 km) twice a year, it's clearly extensive. Yet even the sea cucumber inching along the seafloor depends on matter drifting down from a surface that may be seven miles (11 km) away. A killer whale's ecosystem may extend to prey that swims thousands of miles upriver, such as salmon.

Of course, it's not just a matter of our being intrigued and delighted at the richness of this planet's ecosystems, although that would be enough. When I set out to write the first edition of this book, I was determined to unravel the stories about true and imagined monsters of the deep sea, even to rehabilitate the image of those monsters, if possible. Over time, the public's perception of some has, indeed, been transformed for the good, while others are perennially regarded as monsters, with or without justification. These creatures range in size from tiny microbes to giant squid. Some are conventionally ugly but harmless. Others are beautiful but dangerous. Yet without question, among these "monsters" are potential sources of medicine and examples of life strategies and genetic designs that may inspire future inventions, innovations and artistic creations.

At the same time, humans continue to place incredible life-threatening challenges in the path of many ocean species, reducing and even eliminating populations through pollution, hunting, collisions at sea, fishing-gear entanglements, noise, indiscriminate over-fishing and, more than anything else, injury and death through unintended catches by commercial fishermen. This so-called by-catch includes an annual tally of an estimated 300,000 whales and dolphins, millions of sharks and untold numbers of turtles, seals and fish. Thus we are in a race both to identify the problems and to solve them, even as we struggle to get a better idea of which species we may be threatening and even losing.


Photo Credits.


Part 1 - Down Through the Layers - Surface Waters - Middle Waters - Deep Waters - Deeper Waters - Deepest Waters.

Part 2 - A Fish-Eat-Fish World - Planktonic Dreams - The Cosmopolitan Copepod - Jellyfish: Biding Time - Big Sharks 1: The Plankton Strainers - Dancing With Squid - Big Sharks 2: The Flesh-Eaters - Down Deep with Dragonfish - The Web.

Part 3- Trekking Down the Ridge - The Longest Mountain Chain in the World - Creatures in the Sulfur Garden - Farther Along the Ridge and Back in Time - Black Smokers and New Life-Forms.





REVIEW:  Erich Hoyt reminds us that humanity has been terrified and fascinated by the deepest oceans for a very long time. Until fairly recently, this was a hidden realm that inspired fantastical tales but over the past few decades our understanding of an astonishing environment has expanded in countless ways. We have grown accustomed to tales of bioluminescent fish and creatures that can live happily in the absurdly high temperatures produced by hydrothermal vents. It would, however, be a great shame if we ever took all this for granted. The intricacies of evolutionary adaptation and the sheer weirdness of some of the denizens of the deep ought to inspire wonderment. Hoyt's book, in this updated and expanded edition, is sure to snap even the most jaded nature watcher out of complacency. Hoyt takes us on a journey. We begin in a place where there is still a little light and we end up in an ocean-scape of pitch-black darkness, where the pressure per-square-inch is simply mind boggling.

The pictures are stunning, the prose is clean, and you will gain a renewed sense of admiration for the scientists who are exploring this bewildering territory. One of the book's greatest strengths is that it reports back from the front lines of research. New species are discovered all the time but, as Hoyt notes, this only makes our careless stewardship of the oceans more tragic. If you are in the mood for stories about clams that live for centuries or imaginary treks along vast underwater mountain ranges then this book will hold great appeal. It offers case studies of a wide range of creatures -- from squid to whales to jellyfish -- and the images are likely to haunt both your dreams and your nightmares. There is exquisite beauty down below, but also a rich array of monsters. Hoyt brings learning and passion to the task of unveiling the most bizarre habitat on the planet. [Geographical Magazine].

REVIEW:  A senior research associate with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society in the United Kingdom, Hoyt (The Earth Dwellers) here shares his enthusiasm for and knowledge about the extraordinary creatures of the deep sea. His style is both clear and picturesque, and his captions to the full-color photos are fact-packed. Part 1 of the book covers the layers of the sea, describing the animal life at each depth. Parts 2 and 3 discuss the fish and other marine creatures, as characterized by some of their unique features, such as bioluminescence, size, shape, or location in the sea. With light humor, Hoyt writes, for example, that "dinoflagellates [protozoan of the phyllum Pyrrophyta] can be more dangerous than sharks, but Hollywood has yet to cast dinoflagellates as a lethal killing machine, so they remain unexploited, doing their nasty business in relative obscurity." Other books in the same genre include two by Richard Ellis: Monsters of the Sea (LJ 11/1/94) and Deep Atlantic (LJ 10/1/96). But the work that compares most readily with Hoyt's is Jacques Cousteau: Whales (LJ 12/88) for its knowledgeable and accessible approach to marine life and high-quality photography. Hoyt's latest is recommended for all general collections.  [Library Journal].

REVIEW:  Adult/High School-Presenting select marine creatures from around the world, Hoyt also provides a tour of the multilayered organization of the seas from top to bottom. In the preface, he defines and describes the term "monster" and specifies life-forms designated by this label in the oceans. As the author goes on to describe the layer after layer of water, he features a monster or monsters from each stratum. Photographs of the animals help to dramatize the information and data. Hoyt explains words or terms that might be unclear and draws upon word history and meanings when needed. For "hadal zone," he gives the historical background of the term as well. In this manner, he clarifies and educates, and the information flow is never impeded. The general summary of the ocean's layers, specific views of the selected "monsters," and the perspective of the life and environment interaction combine to make this book a splendid overview. The photographs, sidebars, and unique life-forms presented offer opportune ways of catching the attention of reluctant readers.  [School Library Journal].

REVIEW:  Science and nature writer Erich Hoyt (Orca: The Whale Called Killer; The Earth Dwellers) combines dramatic photographs with extraordinary tales of undersea life in Creatures of the Deep: In Search of the Sea's "Monsters" and the World They Live In. No sea bass here: Hoyt prefers the creepier populations of bloody belly ctenophores, vampire squid, sea cucumbers and dragonfish. From the surface-dwelling manta ray to the marine spider of the hadal zone (appropriately named for Hades), Hoyt describes life cycles and family trees of marine flora and fauna, as well as the scientific community's efforts to understand them. Startling facts abound, and Hoyt's enthusiasm for his subject shows on every page.  [Publisher’s Weekly].

REVIEW:  It was long believed that no creature, however "monstrous," could live in the dark, cold ocean deep, a realm that still resists exploration even in this age of sophisticated technologies. Marine expert and science writer Hoyt relates a brisk history of deep-sea research, beginning with Alexander the Great and his diving bell, noting that it wasn't until 1977 and the advent of the deep-sea submersible, Alvin, that scientists were able to descend far enough to discover the diverse population of fantastic organisms that thrive beneath the ocean's high pressure. As engagingly descriptive as he is instructive, Hoyt takes readers on an extensive tour through the underwater zones, introducing and elucidating the lives of the otherworldly denizens of each layer, many presented in breathtaking color photographs. He describes the unique attributes of sea cucumbers, squid, sharks (including the rare megamouth), and the ghoulish dragonfish, and explains such phenomena as bioluminescence and the communities clustered around deep-sea hydrothermal vents. All these marvels, and Hoyt still believes we haven't seen anything yet. [Booklist].

REVIEW:  Hoyt’s "Creatures of the Deep" has state-of-the-art photographs depicting deep-sea life, which includes many new species. Having predicted a great century of discovery in the deep ocean in 2001, he notes that the deep ocean, while experiencing over-fishing and climate change, among other things, is the source of 2000 new species that are recognized annually. He cites deep sea “monsters” as potential sources of medicine and examples of life strategies and genetic designs that may inspire future inventions, innovations, and artistic creations. Beyond the reach of sunlight and photosynthesis, 2006 saw the discovery of a half-a-millennium-old specimen of the clam Arctica islandica on the North Icelandic Shelf. This coffee-table-sized book of color photographs and text has twenty-six chapters divided into four untitled parts. Part one traverses the layers of the sea; part two looks at fish, jellyfish, sharks, squid, and whales; part three examines underwater topography and creatures; part four counts the citizens of the sea and imagines their future. [Ringgold].

REVIEW:  Being a retired deep sea biologist and photographer I was intrigued by this book. I had not seen the previous version. There are a mix of books on deep sea animals some are spectacular and some so-so. This book is superb and with Erich Hoyt's background in whale research it is well written and would be an asset to anyone's marine library. The color reproductions are a really high quality - I have to admit that I am somewhat biased as many of them are mine! If you want to know what lives in the deep oceans, how animals survive and interact you cannot go wrong by buying this book. Highly recommended. [Dr. D. M. Shale].

REVIEW:  The English word "monster," writes marine conservationist Erich Hoyt, means, at heart, "a creature having a strange or frightening appearance." The world’s oceans are full of such creatures, but the association with the ghoulish and terrifying is unfortunate, and Hoyt's mission in this book is to make the denizens of the benthic deep less frightening and more familiar. More than a checklist of misnamed creatures like the goblin shark (which, living at a depth of 1,200 meters, is no danger to humans), the bloody-belly ctenophore, the killer whale, and the vampire squid ("dangerous only to its prey"), this lively book takes readers on a learned tour of the oceans' varied environments, from coastal shallows to deep-sea floor. Along the way, Hoyt discusses how various creatures have evolved to take advantage of these many ecosystems, how oceanic vents may harbor the secret of life, how sea currents regulate the world’s atmosphere--and how movies such as Deep Blue Sea use bad science to demonize sharks and other pelagic predators. In the end, Hoyt always returns to these strange creatures, always with the hope that "this introduction to the deep will turn a few more sea monsters into sea friends." This handsomely illustrated book does just that. [Amazon]

REVIEW:  Erich Hoyt, an award-winning science writer, gives readers an amazing tour of the ocean world through an underwater camera in this fascinating book. He examines former and current sea monsters which dwell at various depths of the ocean. His purpose is to dispel misconceptions and turn these monsters into animals worthy of humans' respect, patient curiosity and admiration. This book has several strengths: the text provides a wealth of interesting information; the color photographs are no less than fabulous, affording readers a glimpse into the murky ocean world; and, perhaps, most important of all, Hoyt's obvious passion for the ocean and the myriad life forms it harbors comes through loud and clear. Highly Recommended. [Canadian Materials].

REVIEW:  Outstanding photographs and a well-written, enthusiastic text introduce students to wonders of the marine world. Hoyt focuses principally on deep-sea animals and giant predators—the subtitle says it all. The book is divided into three parts. The first discusses ocean layers from surface to the deepest level and the unusual animals that inhabit them. Part two examines the food chain, with emphasis on the giant predators, although the phytoplankton and copepods that feed myriad creatures from giant whales and sharks to smaller animals are included. Part three looks at the great ridges and trenches that make the oceans as diverse geologically as the land. Inhabiting some inhospitable environments are many creatures new to science. Splendid photographs and text introduce life forms that live in sulfur hot springs and volcanic vents; life, it appears, can evolve and flourish almost anywhere in the deep sea. Hoyt conveys well the excitement of discovery, and because his imagination is fired by these strange new worlds, interested students are likely to be inspired also. A scale marker for many of the photographs in the book would have been helpful, and although Hoyt puts in a good word for the ecological importance of sharks, he does not address in this book the pollution and over-fishing that threaten many marine environments. Despite some minor errors in captions and text that only a marine biologist will discover, overall this resource will be a worthwhile addition to school science collections. Hard to imagine it being any better written. [Voice of Youth Advocates].

REVIEW:  Humans have always feared monsters from the depths of the ocean. The author subtitles this book, "in search of the sea's 'monsters' and the world they live in." Hoyt hopes to educate us and turn a few more sea monsters into sea friends that deserve our respect, curiosity and admiration. The creatures of the sea vary greatly by the depth of the water they live in, and that is how we are introduced to them in this large, coffee table book. Sharks and manta rays inhabit the surface waters to 660 feet. The middle waters go from 660 to 3,300 feet, and the photograph of the deep-sea anglerfish would put a Hollywood horror character designer to shame. Deep water continues from 3,300 to 13,000. Here the pressure starts at 1,470 pounds per square inch. Many creatures at this level are eyeless because of the lack of light. The deepest waters are from 20,000 to 36,200 feet. The pressure is 600 times what it is on the surface of the earth, hardly friendly to either plants or animals. But there is life, including sea cucumbers that benefit from the constant environmental conditions. This fascinating book, illustrated with many full-color photographs, provides images that will not be forgotten. [Children’s Literature].

REVIEW:  Creatures of the Deep has the external appearance of a beautiful coffee-table book, but internally offers much more. It resembles two previous works: The Deep, edited by Clair Nouvian (2007) and Into the Deep by Karsten Schneider and Peter Batson (2008), both primarily picture books with good photography. However, Hoyt's work offers a knowledgeable narrative to accompany the excellent illustrations. In addition to its visual appeal, this work has considerable academic value. Highly Recommended. [Choice].

REVIEW:  Creatures of the Deep expands and updates the prize-winning first edition of 2001. Much has happened in ocean science since then, and Erich Hoyt captures the excitement and beauty of recent advances. With lavish photos and engaging, accurate prose, he takes readers on a journey of wonder through the ocean's layers and around the planet, shedding light on extraordinary lives. The deeper you go, the less we know -- only a few hundred of the thousands of species that live in the abyss have been photographed. Hoyt's book showcases why we must do more to safeguard life in the sea. [BBC Wildlife Magazine].

REVIEW:  A rich underwater feast for your eyes and your mind...A treasure chest...the eerie beauty of life found in the dark ocean will stay with you long after the lid is shut. [The Good Book Guide].

REVIEW:  Separates monster fact from fiction...plunging to the depths of the world's oceans in search of their ogres...includes creatures even more improbable and frightening than Hollywood film directors have ever imagined.  “Creatures of the Deep” separates monster fact from fiction, with nature writer Erich Hoyt plunging to the depths of the world's oceans in search of the ogres. [Geographical].

REVIEW:  Combines dramatic photographs with extraordinary tales of undersea life. [Publisher’s Weekly].

REVIEW:  Hoyt...shares his enthusiasm for and knowledge about the extraordinary creatures of the deep sea...(The book has a) knowledgeable and accessible approach to marine life and high quality photography. [Library Journal]. A bevy of interesting creatures...The book benefits tremendously from vivid color photographs of the featured creatures. [Science News].

REVIEW:  The most striking element ... are the more than 150 color photographs that capture everything from sea cucumbers to vampire squids in all their watery glory. [Quill and Quire].

REVIEW:  His literary style a joy, Erich Hoyt effortlessly transports us from a world we think we know, but clearly do not, to an exciting new frontier. [Scotland on Sunday].

REVIEW:  Erich Hoyt is a master storyteller with a scientist’s eye for detail, weaving weird and wonderful facts and figures into a page-turning story of adventure. [Mark Carwardine, Zoologist].

REVIEW:  With good science and history and a clear, fresh voice, Hoyt guides the reader straight down the ocean to the bottom and least known part of Earth. [Harvard University].

REVIEW:  Some of these [creatures] could have doubled as imagined horrors lurking in David Lynch's mind. Frightening fish that are 90 per cent jaws; a leering, cyclopean--seeming sea cucumber; and a sentient tube. Accompanied by stunning photographs of little-known creatures ... the detailed but highly readable text traces a history of myths and discoveries of the oceans. [Globe and Mail].

REVIEW:  More than a picture book ... Hoyt's elegant writing provides both the historical background for deep-sea exploration and an ecological perspective on life in the ocean's depths. [American Scientist].

REVIEW:  A brisk history of deep sea research ... as engagingly descriptive as he is instructive, Hoyt takes readers on an extensive tour through the underwater zones ... Teen science buffs will enjoy the photographs and Hoyt's animation and clarity. [Booklist].

REVIEW:  Hoyt unravels the complex predator-prey relationships from "killer" copepods to battles among giant squids and sperm whales, presenting compelling portraits of animals that are superbly adapted denizen of a dark high-pressure world. [Newsletter of the National Association of Science].

REVIEW:  Hoyt unravels the complex predator-prey relationships from "killer" copepods to battles among giant squids and sperm whales, presenting compelling portraits of animals that are superbly adapted denizen of a dark high-pressure world. [Newsletter of the National Association of Science].

REVIEW:  The deep is a wondrous place, Hoyt tells us convincingly. It is another world, concealing mysteries locked up in mountain chains and valleys that may hold the key to how life began at all. [Victoria Times Colonist].

REVIEW:  His literary style a joy, Hoyt effortlessly transports us from a world we think we know, but clearly do not. [Antonia Swinson].

REVIEW:  Describes the layers of the sea and the various sea creatures at each depth, including squid, sharks, and dragonfish. Includes bibliographical references (p. 153) and index. Exceptional photography, excellent text.

REVIEW:  Combines dramatic photographs with extraordinary tales of undersea life. [Publisher’s weekly].

REVIEW:  A magnificent bestiary ... and a reminder of how little we actually know about the seas surrounding us.  [Popular Science].

REVIEW:  Winner, Outstanding Nonfiction Book of the Year [American Society of Journalists and Authors].


REVIEW:  The title and cover photo are a bit misleading; this isn't just a picture about 'deep-sea creatures,' it's about the 'sea's monsters' whether they live near the surface or at its greatest depths. It discusses the weird toothy fish like the one on the cover that live in darkness and use bioluminescence, but also the devilfish (ray) that flings itself above the waves. Sharks are discussed (but not overly so) along with whales, jellyfish, squid, the crustaceans that live around deep thermal vents, and even tiny phytoplankton. It's not a complete encyclopedia of ocean life, but does a pretty good job of covering the subjective term "monsters."

It's also a beautiful book. Because of its size and amount of beautiful photos, you might be tempted to think of it as a coffee table book, but it's actually very well-written (although I must admit, I find myself constantly drawn to those great pictures). The author is obviously passionate and knowledgeable about the ocean and it's nice to find a book that discusses it in an intelligent way but doesn't become too textbook-ish. I found the organization rather confusing, however, and the breakdown of the parts isn't apparent or explained.

As near as I could tell, part 1 explains the different zones of the ocean, from the surface waters down to the deepest trenches, and some of the animals that are found in each. Part 2 focuses more on the individual creatures themselves and the food chains, and part 3 is about the geography of the ocean floor, its mountains and the role of tectonic plates - while once again, discussing many of the creatures that live there, such as those worms etc. that live around thermal vents. Part 4 explains conservation efforts and the history of our study of the ocean - or at least that's how I saw it. Nonetheless, a very beautiful and well-written book that will appeal to kids and parents alike.

REVIEW:  When I first looked at Erich Hoyts book “Creatures of the Deep: In Search of the Sea's Monsters and the World They live In”, I mistakenly thought it would only be about the creatures at the greatest depths of the ocean. I wasn't sure that I wanted to read about just these rather odd and gruesome looking creatures. In fact, this is a book about the diversity of the ocean life. Erich Hoyt writes from personnel experience and discovery. He writes with a passion which grabs hold of the reader and makes one want to hear and see more.

This book does not read like an old textbook, but rather like an exciting story told by a master storyteller. Hoyt not only describes the life in the ocean, but also the early myths/history, media coverage (such as the movie Jaws, among others) and even the most recent ocean exploration by James Cameron (Titanic, Avatar). Hoyt, in the first chapters of "Creatures", takes the reader on a trip from the ocean surface to the greatest depth using his " iMonstercam". This is a great introduction to the various ocean layers and what is found at the different levels and the characteristics of each. In the second part of the book, chapters are devoted to various creatures and how they are perceived by the public as well as the reality of each. An example is the chapter titled "Big Sharks". All of the descriptive writing is interspersed with anecdotes, history, public misconceptions and new information.

Throughout "Creatures", the photos are amazing. The photography is of the highest quality and brings the various creatures into beautiful clarity. I really love good writing and great photos, this is a book filled with both. I highly recommend Creatures of the Deep for those who love good non-fiction writing and enjoy learning more about the amazing oceans. This is a very easy read and is hard to put down.

REVIEW:  In Creatures of the Deep, Erich Hoyt takes readers on a journey through the ocean – learning and discovering life all along the way. The ocean filled with many strange creatures as well as some familiar creatures holds many secrets that we are only starting to truly explore and try to understand. This and facts from the ocean.

Hoyt begins with a journey through the different layers of the ocean: Epipelagic Zone (surface to 660 feet), Mesopelagic Zone (660 to 3,300 feet), Bathypelagic Zone (3,300 to 13,000 feet), and Abyssopelagic Zone (13,000 to 20,000 feet). In each of the zones, he talks about characteristics of the zones as well as creatures that are found within the zones. He gives a little insight into some of the history of exploration as well as discusses some of the key researchers and discoveries. The images are amazing. Some of the creatures are beautiful, some are hideous, some are odd, but all are fascinating.

Part 2 dives into the circle of life (aka: the food chain) in the ocean. It discusses: plankton, copepods, jellyfish, big sharks (plankton-strainers), squid, big sharks (flesh-eaters), killer while vs. shark, dragonfish, and finally the web that begins with krill. A large portion of part 2 is spent with squid since many recent discoveries have been made including the live footage of the giant squid in 2012 and capturing a colossal squid in 2007. My daughter found the killer whale vs. shark portion to be rather exciting which lead to more study of the topic as well as watching the footage of the attack. As with other sections, this section features beautiful images of the various creatures.

Part 3 takes an exploratory look at the ocean floor, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Creatures of the Sulfur Garden, The Galapagos Rift, Black Smokers, and Archaeans. This section takes a look at the unique creatures of the various areas in the ocean as well as delving into the interesting features of the ocean topography. It talks about how they have adapted to sometimes extremely harsh environments and not only survived but thrived. A glimpse at the unique nature of these creatures is given through beautiful photography.

Part 4 concludes with a look at the history of cataloging the sea. Because we have studied/explored such a small portion of the ocean, it's easy to see how new creatures are being found as more exploration is done. There is much we have still to discover and understand about the creatures in the ocean. He talks about many of the new discoveries that have been made starting in the 20th century and moving forward. As technology has increased, more discoveries have been made about ocean life including new ecosystems and animals. He also delves into how to protect the habitats of ocean life as well as the importance of biodiversity.

If you have someone who loves the ocean and the creatures within, you'll want to add this book to your library. It's not only a beautiful collection of images of beautiful and bizarre creatures but also a nice reference book. Hoyt's passion for the ocean, for the creatures of the ocean shine through on each page of the book and help bring the ocean to you.

REVIEW:  “Creatures of the Deep” is a rarity among affordable coffee-table books--it has an excellent, readable text, in addition to beautiful photographs of creatures from all five layers of the sea. Part One of the text describes a hypothetical descent from the ocean's surface to its floor, noting what the deep sea explorer will experience, see, and learn in each layer. The descent begins with the Epipelagic zone (e.g., whales); continues through the Mesopelagic zone (e.g., anglerfish, viperfish shown on cover), the Bathypelagic zone (e.g., vampire squid, cold water corals), and the Abyssopelagic zone (e.g., giant squid); until it ends with the Hadal zone (e.g., sea cucumber). My favorite section is the description of the deepest zone, which also includes accounts of famous deep-sea researchers and bathyscaphe explorations.

Part Two focuses on specific sea creatures (sharks, plankton, copepods, jellyfish, squid, whales, dragonfish), and the ocean-dweller food chain. Part Three discusses tectonic plates, ocean mountain ranges, and hydrothermal vents (plus the creatures living there (e.g., tubeworms, vent shrimp, microbes and other microorganisms). Part Four describes marine life census projects (tagging predators, identifying new species), the conservation of sea creatures' habitats, and the conservation of oceans in general. If this book inspires you or someone in your family to learn more, you might consider these other beautiful coffee-table-sized books: “The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss” (rare photos of deep-sea creatures, with page-margin hash marks showing the ocean zone that harbors each creature); “Ocean: The World's Last Wilderness Revealed” (a Cousteau factoid book filled with information about the oceans; photos of plants, fish, and everything else that lives in the sea; and descriptions of many, many ocean species); and “Oceanic Wilderness” (a huge book with lovely fish photos taken on underwater dives).

REVIEW:  Whether you are a marine biologist, a conservation enthusiast or none of these, this book is simply fascinating. It takes you through the various layers of the ocean, starting at the surface and descending into the deep, covering biodiversity found across some 74,000 km. Many iconic species like the giant and colossal squid, and the sperm whale are a focus, but I found even more interesting, those less seen and incredibly unique critters, like the various angler fish that use bioluminescent fishing poles; Yeti crabs, which have fur coats yet live in thermal vents; and live 400 year old clams living somewhere off of the coast of Iceland. The book not only presents these amazing adaptations through stunning photos, but discusses why these features are beneficial, and puts them into an eco-context, discussing also where in the depths they are found and how these oceanic environments are themselves incredibly unique. The book gives excellent background on everything within – giving the reader an understanding as to where (on land) the mid-Atlantic Ridge begins as well as how these creatures that live thousands of feet below the surface are photographed. More on the photos – the creatures are so interesting and some so monstrous (i.e. a fish with teeth so long it has cavities in its head so as not to stab its own brain) - that even my four and six year old children where captivated through nearly 300 pages. This would be excellent required science reading to spur interest in the oceans and marine biodiversity conservation for all age groups. The book concludes by drawing attention to the plight of the oceans and the threats that ocean biodiversity faces from climate change, acidification, pollution and over-fishing; and it seems we have much to lose.

REVIEW:  I remember being so excited over seeing the pictures in a magazine of the very strange fish that live in The Mesopelagic Zone which is 660 feet to 3,300 feet below the surface of the ocean. Such strange looking fish! So I immediately picked this book to read on Amazon Vine and was not disappointed. Creatures of the Deep by Erich Hoyt, Second Edition Updated and Expanded is a delight!

Are you interested in the strange and newly discovered? We are just becoming aware of these creatures in the deepest parts of the ocean and there is so much more to discover. In the past, what lived in the deep oceans was considered to be monsters. The author thinks that we need to appreciate and protect them as our friends.

Creatures of the Deep is filled with gorgeous color photos of the inhabitants of the oceans. The general public is not familiar with most of them. The sea is stacked with layers of different ecosystems. This book shows representatives of the creatures that live in each layer and what is characteristic of each layer. Some of the pictures are so spectacular that you can only stare at them in wonder.

A variety of questions are answered. To tickle your fancy, here is a list of a few:

1. Does the octopus or squid have a more complex brain?

2. What organ must the squid’s food pass through in order for it to eat?

3. Which should you fear the most? A sand tiger fish or a miniscule dionflagellate phytoplankton?

4. Why can you see creatures that travel through the middle black layer of the ocean?

The disappearance of the Malaysian Flight 370 taught us that there is a lot of debris in the ocean, that there are five ocean gyres in our world. This frightening news makes us aware of how important it is to start cleaning up the ocean and protect all the creatures of the ocean. I highly recommend this book to all who care about and are interested in ocean life.

REVIEW:  Initially, I became interested in “Creatures Of The Deep: In Search Of The Sea's Monsters And The World They Live In” by Erich Hoyt because of the cover which contains one scary looking fish and seems to promise all kinds of information on fish. I also held out hope that some of this book would be about whales, which I love, and krakens, which are awesome. “Creatures of the Deep” does deliver what I had hoped for.

Essentially, the title and subtitle say it all. Hoyt's book, “Creatures of the Deep” is all about the different creatures that live in the oceans of the world. It explores the different levels and depths of the ocean. It explores the different creatures. It also goes into depth on the geography of the ocean, the history of oceanography, and also what threatens the ocean.

What really made “Creatures of the Deep” worth my time were the pictures. Spread throughout the book are stunning photographs of ocean life. There are beautiful pictures of deep sea creatures that have bioluminescence. There's a photograph of a white shark diving out of the water that definitely gave me pause and maybe some heart palpitations. I loved the various orca photographs. Just flipping through this book is a tactile experience that will set your imagination into high gear. I loved seeing creatures that were totally unfamiliar to me.

I thought that the parts of the book that explore the bad rap sharks get was really fascinating. It's amazing just how interesting sharks are and how they came to be the sea's foremost predator. I enjoyed learning about the really big open mouth sharks that live in the depths of the ocean and pretty much swim around swallowing things. Beyond sharks, there's a particularly interesting chapter on giant squid and how the first HD video of the giant squid came to be. There's some really fascinating parts to this book.  

REVIEW:  This book is not meant to be just a coffee table book, it is meant to be read. It’ll work well as a coffee table book with the odd pictures of sea creatures, but it also provides information about the sea and its bounty, the ecosystem that creates, and the way we interact with it.

I have seen a number of these types of books with pictures of rare sea creatures of the deep and this book has a lot of the same types of pictures, but it is obvious that the author is not using the pictures as the main feature; he is using them as illustrations. If it was simply intended as a coffee table book, the text would be secondary.

This book is meant to be read! It is NOT simply a coffee table book out for display purposes, although it will work well at that function. Kids and adults alike will have their curiosity piqued by the picture on the cover and likely love the myriad pictures of unique and sometimes scary-looking sea creatures. But to get the most out of this book, one should sit down and read it. The text is interesting and informative and may even inspire some youngster to become an oceanographer.

REVIEW:  This full-color coffee table book is filled with gorgeous photographs of deep and not-so-deep sea life. Whether it’s a humpback whale, a great white shark, or a ray dramatically leaping into the air above the water’s surface or nightmarish looking creatures like the dragon fish that emit waves of light to hunt along the pitch black deepest depths, the photography does not disappoint. The accompanying text is full of information about the ocean, the specific zones of depth, sea life in general and ecological conditions and factors affecting sea life. It’s not meant to be a crash course on oceanography but you will definitely come away with a healthy dose of extra knowledge regarding the oceans and the life within them. It’s a wonderful book to share with your children as well to introduce them to the wonders of the sea.

REVIEW:  The beautiful illustrations in this book alone make it a fantastic coffee table book that anyone would be interested in. From sharks to squid to jellyfish; Creatures of the Deep explores all types of marine water life. This book's illustrations sell it, but it doesn't stop there. The book is also full of educational information. From the different zones and layers of the sea to the plankton-strainer sharks to the ocean floor to life among jellyfish.

I think that beautiful books like these are great tools in interesting young students in reading. I plan on stocking this book in my school classroom so that my students can use it. If that evil looking Sloane's viperfish on the cover doesn't entice the students, than nothing will. I would definitely recommend this book for anyone interested in creatures of the ocean.

REVIEW:  I sat with this book for 4 solid hours, in awe. Packed with incredible photos of creatures so bizarre that you couldn't invent anything even close to this reality. Hoyt explains the layers of the sea and what lives there, why and how each atmosphere creates and hosts it's own World. It tells in plain language how these creatures live, eat and reproduce and find each other in the pitch black. It's rare to find a book who's text and visual offerings are equally astounding and educational. I came away with a feeling that all I thought I knew about the sea and life on Earth had just been rewritten for me. This book is a genuine treat and a glimpse into all the possibilities of Life in our "not human" terms.

REVIEW:  Excellent photography, and eminently readable, each of which is remarkable, but in combination, they make this book truly excellent. I have recently been disappointed by several similar "coffee table"/reference books; the photo or printing quality was poor, the writing was simplistic, dry, and/or focused so deeply on one aspect on the subject that all else was neglected. None of those problems are present here. The photography is fantastic, and the printing and paper quality are high. The writing is accessible without being facile. The text discusses different aspects of oceanography- including animals, ecosystems, geography, etc. It also discusses them from a variety of different subject perspectives- including biology, history, ecology/conservation, etc.

REVIEW:  When my husband saw the cover, he remarked, "why did you get this?" It looks so SPOOKY from the cover. Inside, the photos and content are fascinating. The photographs are truly stunning and even though my kids regularly go to an aquarium, the 'creatures of the deep' are so alien-like, especially many featured in this It is pretty amazing reading about all the wildlife of the sea.

This is a big 'coffee table' type book, except with a ton of relevant, insightful information, much that I was unaware of, with large glossy photos The content is divided into 4 parts. Because I keep finding myself drawn to the photos instead of the text! So far, from what I read, I find it informative and well-written, though almost 'textbook' at times. My high school son, who is very interested in science is the one that has been reading chapter after chapter of this book and is enjoying it.

REVIEW:  I almost checked the paranormal box, because some of the creatures in this book seem almost paranormal. :) When I was a little girl we went to Disneyland and a SoCal beach. My older boy cousins told me that sharks would eat me if I went in the water, so to this day I never have. I'm still fascinated by the creatures who live in the seas. I loved the amount of information coupled with the amazing photos in this book!

REVIEW:  I love the way this book doesn’t dumb down the science or the importance of issues facing our oceans, but the real stars are the creatures and their homes. The incredible illustrations testifying to the exquisite variety of ocean life are reason enough to buy it. Organizing sea life by strata also works well. Mr. Hoyt has the ability to convey a sense of habitat and place in the watery world.

REVIEW:  This book has a lot to offer. Aside from the mesmerizing--I know, it's a funny word to offer in a description of a science book--photographs, Erich Hoyt offers in “Creatures of the Deep” a rich description of deep-sea exploration, a careful consideration of the balance of life in those regions, and the significance of its role in global ecology. The pictures lure the reader to a persuasive, well-rendered text, making this book of value to all members of the family and rewarding their curiosity. Definitely recommended.

REVIEW:  This is a wonderful and graciously written book. The text flows well and is informative to laypeople without being either simplistic or condescending. There are flashes of humor and a consistently interesting text, plus 137 gorgeous photos. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the deep ocean and its wild and weird critters. The book is terrific. Buy it :-)

REVIEW:  Surreal! This is a fascinating, compelling book with a lot of truly phenomenal photography throughout. I love deep-sea beasties - they please my aesthetic taste - spiky, fangy, bizarre and... bioluminescent. Hmm. The writing is clear, concise and evocative - an 'easy' read without being simplistic or dumbed-down. Overall, an excellent trip into a world here and not-here. Highly recommended.

REVIEW:  Eric Hoyt's “Creatures of the Deep” is 287 well written informative text and bright sharp underwater photography. The book is broken down into chapters each going deeper into the abyss and describing the aquatic life found along the way. There are excellent sections about bioluminesence in the deepest waters, electroreception in sharks and all of it is clearly written despite many scientific names and terms. The many photographs are coupled with excellent descriptive text that informs rather than confounds. Each chapter also contains a great deal on the history of oceanographic exploration and how it relates to the subjects of that section. A beautiful and fact packed tome on the wonders of the deep especially the jellyfish and squid varieties.

REVIEW:  I didn't realize this was a coffee-table book when I requested it but aside from the oversize issue it was actually well-written. Hoyt begins with a journey through each of the ocean's layers highlighting the significant features and fauna of each layer. The second section delineates the food web between the various kinds of plants and animals within the ocean. Then Hoyt concludes with the mysteries of the oceanic trenches and the queer variety of life within them. And although we have the ability to summon digital images of animals within seconds, there's still something to be said for examining and appreciating these creatures intimately through high resolution still images.

REVIEW:  The author's clear, lucid, engaging prose meshes flawlessly with some stunning photography to convey the awesome and awful mystery that is the ocean planet on which we live. Hoyt covers a lot of ground in this book—from the history of marine biology and deep sea exploration to the geology of seamounts, hydrothermal vents, and "black smokers" to the revolution in biology caused by the discovery of an entirely new domain of life, the Archaea, in the inhospitable depths to the imperative need to conserve marine species, habitats, and ecologies. And I had no idea that jellyfish are the kudzu of the seas before I read this book... 

REVIEW:  Beautiful fascinating book! I got this book to let my 10 year old nephew look through. He loves this sort of thing and although a lot of the information in it will be too old for him right now he still is fascinated by the pictures and I know when he gets older the book will grow with him and he can read more about all the "sea monsters" that he finds so intriguing. He is autistic so anything that encourages his interests is a good thing! The history and information about each creature is clearly and interestingly documented sometimes in a narrative of expeditions and real life encounters with the creatures.

REVIEW:  Though scientists to date have explored less than one per cent of the ocean floor they have still discovered many wonderfully unusual creatures that have miraculously adapted to life so far from the sun. Some may look monstrous to us but all are fascinating. This volume published by Firefly Books does a good job of introducing some of these unique animals as well as describing what life in their world so unlike our own is like. The volume is richly illustrated with color photographs. A complete index and a very full page of sources and additional resources are included.

REVIEW:  Page after page, but "the surprise remains the same" ... Erich Hoyt succeeds with his attempt to achieve what many have tried but failed ... breathing life into science. When facing the same challenge of trying to write about the "space below us", the world of our oceans, one wouldn't know where to start. But this is a book full of stories sometimes written like a Thriller, sometimes like a Fantasy novel, often leaving you stunned about facts you learn or the images in highest quality of species you expect to see for the first ever in a Star wars episode. Flying through the book which left me stunned, learning about the amazing life of the deep and yet it is still the world of the unknown ... it is a fresh positive breath to make people love and therefore conserve our oceans. At the same time it has inspired my imagination of wondering whether Atlantis does exist.

REVIEW:  Fabulous book on the weird creatures that live in the depths of the ocean. Great photos to go along with it. This is a heavy, hard cover book. Could be left on a coffee table for those who want to browse. My child loves marine science and can't get enough of this book. Granted she reads at a college level so it's not reading for young kids but they would enjoy the pictures. Very well done.

REVIEW:  I loved the photographs in this book. The deep sea is always a fascinating subject, and the more photographs we have of it, the cooler it gets. The text is well written, and fits the photographs, so this is a much more coherent book than many photo-oriented coffee-table style books I've read lately. If you just want pretty pictures this book has plenty, but it is worth actually reading, too. 

REVIEW:  Fascinating! A book that left me awestruck by what lives in our ocean and a wonder for what has not yet been discovered. Definitely recommended for those with a curious and imaginative mind.

REVIEW:  Fantastic book on organisms residing in the ocean depths. Mr. Hoyt has interesting discourse concerning these creatures and their adaptation to living in a dark, highly pressurized world.

REVIEW:  This is like a combination between a coffee-table book and a textbook. Gorgeous, informative, and well-written. I read it straight through for the information, but I know I'll revisit for the pictures. Loved it!

REVIEW:  Amazing pictures of undersea creatures! My 13 yr old son loved this book and frankly, so did I. Very informational as well.

REVIEW:  Well written book that explores the creatures that live in the dark deep in the ocean! This book is the closest you can get to the creepy creatures without getting wet.

REVIEW:  This is a fascinating book! My kids (two boys 8 and 11) liked flipping through the pictures and reading some parts of this book. I enjoyed the discussions of things like thermohaline circulation, underwater sound travel, aphotic and disphotic layers, the different ocean zones, squid, whales, bioluminescence, and so forth.

REVIEW:  I thought this book was very well written. It was not written to be only read by biologists but by the common person. The author made it hard to put down and I enjoyed the wonderful pictures.

REVIEW:  My little one love this book. She is into sea creatures. A little advanced for her but I enjoy reading to her.

REVIEW: If you want to see what’s in the deep sea, this is a great book - pictures are incredible!

REVIEW:  This book isn't just about deep sea creatures, but also has essentially a study on ocean life period, and how it all interconnects.  The pictures alone are totally worth checking this out!

REVIEW:  An excellent book with a lot of interesting information to raise awareness of deep sea, with nice and illustrative photos.

REVIEW:  Bought for grandson. Fantastic pictures.

REVIEW:  This was purchased as a gift and my daughter is absolutely delighted with it.

REVIEW:  Five stars! Brilliant book, great for kids.

REVIEW:  Great table book we all liked!

REVIEW:  Five stars! Excellent! Love it!

REVIEW:  My daughter loves this book.

REVIEW:  Ordered it for my grandson for Christmas. He loved it and I enjoyed it myself.

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