(former) German Democratic Republic (GDR / DDR)
former socialist / communist EAST GERMANY (1949-1990)
( cold war )

You buy a (1) pennant (small flag for table)
of the
(east german flag for table. Or hang on the wall)

Free German Youth (former East germany)
( for Deutsche Reichsbahn / German Railroad electrification)

"For excellent achievement in
socialist contest "

Shown include: an electric locomotive of the Deutsche Reichsbahn with the FDJ emblem.
Inscription: "Zentrales Jugendobjekt Elektrifizierung"." (Central youth object electrification).

Other side: "Jeder, jeden Tag
mit guter Bilanz
der Jugendbrigaden."
(Everyone, every day with a good balance in the
achievement comparison the youth brigades.)

As far as I know, this was an Mission from the FDJ in the 80s
for the construction of overhead lines for the Deutsche Reichsbahn and with the
Deutsche Reichsbahn.

Height approx: 24cm .

You buy one (1) pennant (small flag for table).

Both sides are pictured seen in the first photo.

shipping from GERMANY