The civil war was a time of turmoil in England and Wales. It gave rise to a great many colourful and unique flags from the armies of both sides. Included in this book is a collection of 308 known foot regiment flags from the civil war all illustrated in full colour.

To be as accurate as possible a variety of sources were used including drawings and detailed descriptions from the time plus some current material. Our book will prove to be a handy reference of all the known flags for historians, wargamers and battle re-enactors.

Also available 'English Civil War Flags: Cavalry Cornets & Guidons'

Paperback: 72 pages
Publisher: Redcrest Publishing
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1999667719
ISBN-13: 978-1999667719
Dimensions: 15.2 x 0.4 x 22.9 cm