the HMcC702LP6CE is a SiGe BicMoS fractional-n PLL. the fractional-n PLL includes a fixed divide by 2 followed by a 8GHz 16-bit rF n-Divider, a 24-bit delta-sigma modulator, a very low noise digital phase frequency detector (PFD), and a precision controlled charge pump. the fractional-n PLL features an advanced delta-sigma modulator design that allows ultra-fine frequency step sizes. the fractional-n PLL features the ability to alter both the phase-frequency detector (PFD) gain and the cycle slipping characteristics of the PFD. this feature can reduce the time to arrive at the new frequency by 50% vs. conventional PFDs. Ultra low in-close phase noise also allows wider loop bandwidths for faster frequency hopping.the fractional-n PLL contains a built-in linear sweeper function, which allows it to perform frequency chirps with a wide variety of sweep times, polarities and dwells, all with an external or automatic sweep trigger. in addition the fractional-n PLL has a number of auxiliary clock generation modes that can be accessed via the GPo