Sephora Libri


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Very unique collection of 62 pieces of extracts and pamphlets of botany which belonged to the famous botanist Rodolfo Pichi Sermolli (Florence 1912-2005).


Rodolfo Pichi Sermolli was a great botanist specialised in Pteridophytes in particular in ferns. He travelled all over the world to make his researches and obtain samples: in Africa (Libya, Tana Lake in Ethiopia) Mexico, Hawai, New Zealand, Polinesia etc…

Major institutions as British Museum or Smithsonian Institution of Washington tried to purchase his herbary but he decided to donate it to the University of Florence.

The pamphlets are mostly studies of botany, sometimes with description of new discovery of species and relate different parts of the world: Guinea, Mozambico, Canada, North America, Colombia, Quebec, Extremadura in Spain, Africa, Europe etc…

All pieces have the ex libris of Sermolli with a subsequent number (pamphlets numbered 5350, 5351, 5367, 5369, 5375, 5395 are missing).

Editorial cover. In good conditions. Original case of the ex library of Pichi Sermolli.

The titles are listed below:

- Dansereau -The grading of dispersal types in plant communities andtheir ecological significance 1957

- Dansereau – La tradition botanique a Montreal

- Giacomini – Gli orti botanici nella tradizione 1958

- Transactions of the historical Society of Ghana 1957

- White – Two new combinations in Maerua forsk (signed by the author) 1958

- Chitzanidis – Species of septoria on the leaves of pistacia vera – 1956

- Masamune – Enumeratio tracheophytarum Ryukyu Insularum – 1957

- Fernandez, Diniz – Contribucao para o conhecimento das Samydaceae de Guine Portuguesa e de Mocambique – 1957

- Fernandez– Contribucao para o conhecimento das Passifloraceae de Guine Portuguesa– 1957

- Fernandez, Diniz – Lythraceae africanae novae II – 1957

- Fernandez – Contribucao para o conhecimento das Melastomataceas de Mocambique – 1955

- Popov – The vegetation of Socotra – 1957

- Address list of the Linnean society of London – 1957

- Furrer – Botanische skizze vom Pizzo Corombe (Columbe) einem Dolomitberg in Nordtessin – 1953

- Furrer – Aufforstung in Dienste des Lawinenscgutzes - 1954

- Meusel – Uber die umfassende Aufgabe der Pflanzengeographie – 1954

- Meusel – Uber die Elyneten der Allgauer Alpen – 1952

- Adams – New records of flowering plants in West Africa – 1957

- Cufodontis - Erster versuch einer Entwirrung des Komplexes Kalanchoe laciniata – 1957

- Askell, Love – Rumex thyrsiflorus new to north America – 1957

- Askell – A new flora of Greenland – 1957

- Askell – A new botanical masterpiece from Denmark – 1957

- Askell – Mutations at the crater of Hekla in eruption – 1950

- Horstadius – Linne die Tiere und der Mensch – 1958

- Heywood – Flora Europaea - 1958

- Fosberg – Systematio notes on Micronesian plants – 1955

- Fosberg, Walker – Third supplement to a preliminary check list of plants in the Shenandoah National Park – 1955

- Fosberg – Observations on Virginia plants – 1957

- Fosberg – Pacific forms of Lepturua (Gramineae) – 1955

- Fosberg – Studies in Pacific Rubiaceae – 1956- Fosberg, Sachet – The Indo Pacific strad Scaevola – 1956

- Fosberg – Observations on Hedyotis caerulea var- minor. – 1957

- Fosberg – Nomenclature of Premna obtusifolia – 1953

- Fosberg – Soils of the northern Marshall atolls with special reference to the Jemo series – 1954

- Fosberg – Insects of Micronesia - 1955

- Dansy, Fosberg – The type of Amaryllis bella-donna – 1954

- Rodriguez – Anotaciones a la anatomia comparada de las Umbeliferas – 1957

- Rodriguez – A graphic representation of Hutchinson’s phylogenetic system - 1956

- Schinz – Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Schweizerflora – 1916

- Mancinelli – Azione degli antibiotici sul metabolismo dei vegetali superiori – 1957

- Mancinelli, Rendi – Metabolismo di semi germinanti di Trifolium repens e Trifolium pratense – 1957

- Mancinelli – Azione degli antibiotici sul metabolismo di vegetali superiori – 1957

- Felix – Notes sur les Graminees d’Afrique Tropicale – 1957

- Good – Some problems of southern floras with special reference to Australasia – 1957

- Horak – Typologische Einheiten als grundlage der Betriebsplanung - 1957

- Revista Moveis Cimo Janeiro 1958

- La deviazione dal biotipo di Pende nei senza tonsille 1957

- Cyril Tenison White – 952

- Blake – The interrelationships of the plant communities of Queensland – 1940

- Scaramella, Petri – il luogo di origine delle radici avventizie interne di Nerium Oleander – 1958

-  John – Gunnera magnifica a new species from the Andes of Colombia – 1957

- Davis – A guide and an analysis of Engler’s “Das Pflanzereich – 1957

- Revised sample pages 1958

- Moreau – Some eco climatic data for closed evergreen forest in tropical Africa – 1935

- Guerra, Monturiol – Quelques considerations sur la formation des sols de la region de Extremadura – 1956

- Albareda, Alvira, Arevalo- Contribution a l’etude des sols calcaires espagnols de climat aride – 1956

- Potzger, Courtemanche – Pollen study in the Gatineau Valley Quebec – 1957

- Potzger – Pollen from moss polsters on the mat of Lac Shaw Bog Quebec - 1957

- Meusel - Die Naturliche landschaft als problem der geographischen – 1954

- Laibach – Troll – Beitrage zur biologie der pflanzen – 1957

- Burkart – Comentario soibre el “Hortus Elthamensis” de Dillenius  - 1957

- Huber – Revision der gattung ceropegia – 1957

- Heywood – Flora europaea a progress report – 1958


Raccolta unica di 62 pubblicazioni ed estratti di botanica appartenuti al celebre botanico Rodolfo Pichi Sermolli (Florence 1912-2005).


Rodolfo Pichi Sermolli fu un grande botanico specializzato nelle felci Pterodofite. Viaggiò per tutto il mondo in cerca di campioni da utilizzare per il suo erbario: in Africa (Libia, Lagon Tana in Etiopia) Messico, Hawai, Nuova Zelanda, Polinesia ecc…

Le più prestigiose istituzioni come il British Museum o il Smithsonian Institution di Washington cercarono di acquistare l'erbario ma lui decise di donarlo all'Università di Firenze.

Le pubblicazioni sono per la gran parte studi di botanica, talvolta con descrizione dinuove scoperte di specie e riguardano numerose parti del mondo : Guinea, Mozambico, Canada, North America, Colombia, Quebec, Extremadura in Spain, Africa, Europe etc…


Tutti i pezzi riportano ex libris di Sermolli con un numero consecutivo (le pubblicazioni numerate 5350, 5351, 5367, 5369, 5375, 5395 risultano mancanti).

Copertina editoriale. In buone condizioni. Custodia originale dalla collezione di Pichi Sermolli.

Elenchiamo di seguito i titoli:

- Dansereau -The grading of dispersal types in plant communities andtheir ecological significance 1957

- Dansereau – La tradition botanique a Montreal

- Giacomini – Gli orti botanici nella tradizione 1958

- Transactions of the historical Society of Ghana 1957

- White – Two new combinations in Maerua forsk (signed by the author) 1958

- Chitzanidis – Species of septoria on the leaves of pistacia vera – 1956

- Masamune – Enumeratio tracheophytarum Ryukyu Insularum – 1957

- Fernandez, Diniz – Contribucao para o conhecimento das Samydaceae de Guine Portuguesa e de Mocambique – 1957

- Fernandez– Contribucao para o conhecimento das Passifloraceae de Guine Portuguesa– 1957

- Fernandez, Diniz – Lythraceae africanae novae II – 1957

- Fernandez – Contribucao para o conhecimento das Melastomataceas de Mocambique – 1955

- Popov – The vegetation of Socotra – 1957

- Address list of the Linnean society of London – 1957

- Furrer – Botanische skizze vom Pizzo Corombe (Columbe) einem Dolomitberg in Nordtessin – 1953

- Furrer – Aufforstung in Dienste des Lawinenscgutzes - 1954

- Meusel – Uber die umfassende Aufgabe der Pflanzengeographie – 1954

- Meusel – Uber die Elyneten der Allgauer Alpen – 1952

- Adams – New records of flowering plants in West Africa – 1957

- Cufodontis - Erster versuch einer Entwirrung des Komplexes Kalanchoe laciniata – 1957

- Askell, Love – Rumex thyrsiflorus new to north America – 1957

- Askell – A new flora of Greenland – 1957

- Askell – A new botanical masterpiece from Denmark – 1957

- Askell – Mutations at the crater of Hekla in eruption – 1950

- Horstadius – Linne die Tiere und der Mensch – 1958

- Heywood – Flora Europaea - 1958

- Fosberg – Systematio notes on Micronesian plants – 1955

- Fosberg, Walker – Third supplement to a preliminary check list of plants in the Shenandoah National Park – 1955

- Fosberg – Observations on Virginia plants – 1957

- Fosberg – Pacific forms of Lepturua (Gramineae) – 1955

- Fosberg – Studies in Pacific Rubiaceae – 1956- Fosberg, Sachet – The Indo Pacific strad Scaevola – 1956

- Fosberg – Observations on Hedyotis caerulea var- minor. – 1957

- Fosberg – Nomenclature of Premna obtusifolia – 1953

- Fosberg – Soils of the northern Marshall atolls with special reference to the Jemo series – 1954

- Fosberg – Insects of Micronesia - 1955

- Dansy, Fosberg – The type of Amaryllis bella-donna – 1954

- Rodriguez – Anotaciones a la anatomia comparada de las Umbeliferas – 1957

- Rodriguez – A graphic representation of Hutchinson’s phylogenetic system - 1956

- Schinz – Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Schweizerflora – 1916

- Mancinelli – Azione degli antibiotici sul metabolismo dei vegetali superiori – 1957

- Mancinelli, Rendi – Metabolismo di semi germinanti di Trifolium repens e Trifolium pratense – 1957

- Mancinelli – Azione degli antibiotici sul metabolismo di vegetali superiori – 1957

- Felix – Notes sur les Graminees d’Afrique Tropicale – 1957

- Good – Some problems of southern floras with special reference to Australasia – 1957

- Horak – Typologische Einheiten als grundlage der Betriebsplanung - 1957

- Revista Moveis Cimo Janeiro 1958

- La deviazione dal biotipo di Pende nei senza tonsille 1957

- Cyril Tenison White – 952

- Blake – The interrelationships of the plant communities of Queensland – 1940

- Scaramella, Petri – il luogo di origine delle radici avventizie interne di Nerium Oleander – 1958

-  John – Gunnera magnifica a new species from the Andes of Colombia – 1957

- Davis – A guide and an analysis of Engler’s “Das Pflanzereich – 1957

- Revised sample pages 1958

- Moreau – Some eco climatic data for closed evergreen forest in tropical Africa – 1935

- Guerra, Monturiol – Quelques considerations sur la formation des sols de la region de Extremadura – 1956

- Albareda, Alvira, Arevalo- Contribution a l’etude des sols calcaires espagnols de climat aride – 1956

- Potzger, Courtemanche – Pollen study in the Gatineau Valley Quebec – 1957

- Potzger – Pollen from moss polsters on the mat of Lac Shaw Bog Quebec - 1957

- Meusel - Die Naturliche landschaft als problem der geographischen – 1954

- Laibach – Troll – Beitrage zur biologie der pflanzen – 1957

- Burkart – Comentario soibre el “Hortus Elthamensis” de Dillenius  - 1957

- Huber – Revision der gattung ceropegia – 1957

- Heywood – Flora europaea a progress report – 1958


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