Here's seeds of some unusual, rare and cottage garden medium sized plants for your garden.  Most are good in the main borders, and tend to have bushy growth. Most are perennials, all are hardy unless stated,  (at least here in South Wales!). Grow some unusual plants that you can enjoy for years to come.

SPECIAL OFFER OF ANY OF MY SEEDS, so do see my other items (tall plants and rock garden ones, plus an awesome range of aquilegias, my speciality!), buy any 6 packets and get a 7th absolutely FREE. When you buy, just send me a message with your seventh choice..... understandably, it must not be more expensive than any you have already bought.
BUY WITH CONFIDENCE.  All seeds hand-harvested as they ripen, I return time after time after time to each plant to ensure seeds are picked when naturally ripe, that means germination should be easy and prolific.

 HOW MANY SEEDS IN A PACKET? Usually 'enough'! Usually at least 25 seeds and usually many more (100s if not 1000s), unless stated below where you'll see the lowest number is 6 so buy carefully!  Certainly plenty to germinate enough seedlings, Hint, do not sow too thickly to avoid having problems at pricking-out times.  Occasionally I have to use last years seeds when this years are out of stock... no worries, I will double the packet size to make up for any reduction in viability.
Verbena rigida    = slender Vervain... but I haven’t heard of this common name!  Rich purple flowers on a low spreading plant. Sow March-July
Antirrhinum mix = good old snapdragons! mainly from pinks and cerise shades, an odd white or yellow may also creep in. These are the old fashioned tall ones that will come back each year... and seed around if you let them! Sow Feb-July
Nettle-leaved bellflower = Campanula trachelium  One of my plants I never want to be without. So many bellflowers are fussy and so quickly eaten by slugs, not this stalwart, and it’ll self-sow for you if you let it. Sow spring/summer. Sow Feb-June... note, tiny seeds so tiny seedlings, don’t sow too thickly!  Now also the ethereal white double form
Campanula persicifolia ex alba, white form of peach-leaved bellflower  Very beautiful.  Easy from seed, slug-proof (except small seedlings), and should gently self-sow for you. Also now available in the blue form.
Daucus carota ‘Purple Kisses’= a special purple flowered ornamental carrot! Honest! I must admit, to me they are more burgundy than purple... and I never took a pic when fully open, sorry. Although carrots are biennials, some of these flowered the first year from seed... so acted an annual. Sow as soon as you get the seeds.
Geranium palmatum = extraordinary and special One of my absolute favourites. Not always hardy in the colder areas of the UK, I suggest siting them in a sheltered position, and close to a wall, fence or shrub to give protection. Even if they happen to die in winter (mine have survived the heavy frosts before Christmas... most unusual here... killed top growth of my osteospermums), its nearly worth it for the first year foliage alone... very lacy, lush and exotic looking. Sow outside in (late) April/May, or in a sheltered spot/under glass from March.
Geum Ladies Mix!  This is seeds from ‘Mrs Bradshaw’ and ‘Lady Stratheden’. Mrs is a great scarlet colour and the Lady is yellow. Both have flowers about 50-60cms tall, waving over shorter, interesting foliage. Sow winter/spring/early summer
Sweet Rocket, Hesperis Great late spring biennial/perennial growing quite tall, about 3-4’ in flower, arising from a short clump of medium sized leaves. Scented, clove/carnation type of fragrance.  Sow March-June
Impatiens balfourii = Poor man’s orchid. Note Schizanthus also has that common name. Highly desirable hardy/half-hardy annual.  Sow April (earlier with protection). Like a shorter, bushier Himalayan Balsam. Will self-seed. DO NOT GROW if you have a watercourse in/by your garden or the seeds (explosively distributed) could potentially invade streams/rivers like its bigger relative does, not a good thing for the environment. Sow Late March -May
Sidalcea ex ‘Party Girl’ Seems to come true from seed in my garden, and also can flower the year you sow them (and from then on). Sow March-June
Silene Ray’s Golden Campion = Golden leaved form of our wild Rose Campion. Golden leaves light up garden areas well, strongest yellow foliage in full sun. Sow March-June
Magenta Spreen= Tree Spinach. One of my ornamental yet edible garden annuals. In decent conditions, expect a large plant a good meter tall, and possibly as wide, sow March on, and enjoy the incredible magenta shoots in your salads!
ychnis coronaria ex cerise form of rose campion, dusty miller.
Lychnis coronaria ex ‘Alba’ = White form of rose campion, dusty miller. Furry, low growing silver foliage, from which soar the silver stems bearing, here, white flowers. Sow Feb-June.
Lychnis coronaria ex ‘Angel’s Blush’ = Occulata form of rose campion, dusty miller. Furry, low growing silver foliage, from which soar the silver stems bearing, here, blushed white flowers. Sometimes the plant has more white, sometimes more plink flowers, it varies, interestingly, through the season!  Sow Feb-June.
Poppy, red, black semi-double  I grew this for the first time on 2020 and am struck by the strong vigorous growth and proliferation of flowers. Sow feb/April... they don’t take root disturbance so sow direct or in modules.
Poppies mix, =  includes the above, and shirley poppies singles and doubles, with some opium poppies as well A great selection, sow where they are to flower, or in modules to transplant
Malope trifida  Quick growing hardy annual, sow March/April.  large flowers, rather like popular Lavatera, on plants to about 50-60 cms tall. Gotta grow this for its specific name alone... a trifid!!!!
Malva moschata = musk mallow, pink. I particularly appreciate perennials that will flower the first year from seed, from an early sowing... Feb-April should do it.  The first year the plants will be more scrawny but the following years they’ll broaden out nicely.
Meconopsis cambrica = Papaver cambricum = Welsh Poppy. Buy your Welsh poppy seeds from Wales!  Bright clear yellow-flowered perennials, sow Jan-June. Germination often slow and erratic... please be patient and don’t let the seed compost dry out. It’s ok to transplant seedlings, unlike most other poppies.
Meconopsis cambrica aurantaica = Papaver cambricum = Welsh Poppy from rare orange forms Buy your Welsh poppy seeds from Wales!  Shades of orange-flowered perennials, sow Jan-June. Germination often slow and erratic... please be patient and don’t let the seed compost dry out. It’s ok to transplant seedlings, unlike most other poppies.
Meconopsis cambrica DOUBLE aurantaica  = Papaver cambricum = Welsh Poppy from rare orange DOUBLE forms Buy your Welsh poppy seeds from Wales!  These double flowered ones are highly desirable, and so rare that garden visitors often have difficulty knowing what on earth these can be! Shades of orange-flowered perennials, which should give a good proportion of full double flowers, sow Jan-June. Germination often slow and erratic... please be patient and don’t let the seed compost dry out. It’s ok to transplant seedlings, unlike most other poppies
Bowles’ Golden Grass = Milium effusum. All seedlings should come true so you will see the golden colouration as they germinate. hardy perennial, Sow almost anytime.
Giant quaking grass = Briza maxima fantastic annual grass that will be with you forever as it self-sows! Keep it in check by collecting the ‘flower’ heads in a vase indoors... they will dry naturally and last years.  At Gardeners’ World Live Plant Heritage display garden I labelled these and wrote ‘please touch me’.... to later find out that people automatically read it as ‘please do not touch me’ !!! So tactile... you just have to reach out!
Schizostylis coccinea = Hesperantha coccinea = Kaffir Lily. What a delight! An easy-to-grow bulb with dramatic scarlet flowers in autumn when most plants well past their best. You may still have some flowers at Christmas....  Sow whenever you have the seeds.
Agastache ex ‘Golden Jubilee’ Delightful in all ways: golden foliage, bee-loved purple flowers and aniseedy fragrance to the leaves.   
Geranium pratense ‘Splish Splash’ Streaked blue-&white flowers, very different. Usually comes true from seeds. It's difficult to collect these seeds as the plant catapults them when ripe! So only 12 seeds... but look at what other sellers charge for them!   
Geranium pratense Reiter forms x6 seeds  Beautiful purple-leaved  Meadow Cranesbill.  Easy to select the ones with    PURPLE leaves just after germination.  Delightful and different!  Horrendously expensive as I harvested few seeds before they exploded away, even so I believe 6 seeds for £1.50 is competitive. 
Lunaria annua Honesty. HB  One photo shows the cerise colour either side of the usual purple form for comparison... far richer in colour.  Also available seed from white form. Note I grow both in my garden so you may get some surprises!  Peel the seedpods to reveal the dried 'flower' of silver pennies, they last indoors for MANY years.
Lychnis flos cuculi ex 'White Robin'  white form of ragged robin. Most people love the fancy fringed flowers of our native wildflower ragged robin. Here's the white form, it's easy from seed. It appreciates a spot in the garden that won't dry out in heatwaves (we wish!)
Nicotiana mutabilis   (H)HA/P A tobacco flower with a difference! How's this for multi-coloured flowers on the same plant! Sow early to plant out after frosts. May survive mild winters.
Oxalis valdeviensis   (h)ha/p  10 seeds only (or 20) Oh boy, am I pleased to finally offer these seeds! An extremely pleasing, self-sowing annual with a continuing succession of yellow flower heads on 1' high stems. Hard to collect seeds as the seed capsules, being explosive, catapult seeds around before I even know they are ready! 10 seeds £1.50 or spoil yourself and have 20 seeds for £2.50
Papaver somniferum pink double paeoniflorum Opium poppy. What a stunner! Poppies dont like root disturbance so I sow a few seeds in modules, and leave the best 1-2 seedlings in each.  Enough seed given to sow direct.
Potentilla recta  HP  Many potentillas creep but this is erect ('recta') to about 12-18", and so the flowers can better be appreciated. Has a quiet charm and is a perfect foil for other flowers over most of the summer months. Can flower first year from seed.
Salvia sclarea turkestanica  Clary Sage.  Very unusual hardy biennial/ short-lived perennial salvia with beautiful blue & white flowers with pink bracts. Unfortunately one of those flowers that photos can never do justice to. 
Scabious  Scabiosa pink Well double pink flowers.   
Sisyrinchium striatum HP Flowers the year after sowing, with cream-and-yellow flowers up 50 cm flowering spikes.  Clumps in flower are an arresting sight! Evergreen iris-like foliage.  
Feverfew  Tanacetum parthenium  HP  Aromatic foliage. Masses of yellow-centred daisy flowers in summer and autumn.
Or choose the golden leaved form or the beautiful double. (or all 3!)  Note all are open pollinated so expect some surprises!
Tellima grandiflora   Fringecups.  HP  Evergreen shade-lover that also does well in the sun!  Tall waving wands of tiny fringed flowers with a delicate scent that I liken to azaleas.   99
Trifolium panonicum HP I am so very pleased to offer seeds of this special plant.  Trifolium? Yup... a regal relative of the humble clover, this stands a lot taller, around 2' / 60cms.   
.Cerinthe major purpurascens   20 seeds (H)HA/B Glorious sight in full bloom, and best sown late season to make big plants to flower next year... if the winter is mild enough for the plants to survive... perhaps try some sown early and some late, say July/August?  

Some of the new ones for 2023
Antirrhinum HA/B/P Snapdragons. Not only a pink/cerises mix but now a pinks mix and a rather good pink&yellow mix. For creeping, 1st year flowering ones see my Rock Garden Seeds entries.
Cheiranthus  HP Good ol' wallflower. Mix of sunset shades from red-tinged yellow to mainly crimson.
Matthiola perennial  HP Wonderful grey-foliage plant that will then erupt into spectacular flower for many months each year.
Eryngium giganteum  HB From 'Miss Willmott's Ghost.  Stunning sea-holly heads.
Euphorbia oblongata HP I'm loving the early bright flower heads. Will gently self-sow.
Maurandia antirrhinifolia   (H)HA (perennial where mild) What you see in the pic is what you'll get, which I grew under this name. I also have some seeds from a larger pink form. 
Primula vialii  HP The most surprising primula of them all. Lilac-pink flowers open upwards from red buds. I've had them flower 1st year from seed!
Polemonium  HP Jacobs ladder. Choose seed from the blue or the white form.
Myosotis HB The adorable forget-me-not.  Let it self-sow, but not too profusely!
Francoa HP This is neat clump of foliage but with dramatically tall flowers.
Leucanthemum HP Oxeye daisy, dog daisy, moon daisy, a special wild flower.
Tree lupin, ex white flower, Lupinus arboreus.  Wow! If you want a spectacle in your garden, opt for this. The photo is a 2-year old plant (from seed) and burst into flower like this in May 2023.  At over a meter high and wide it was stunning, garden visitors were in awe. Many had never even heard of a tree lupin and I find them much easier, as the slugs don't seem to consider them such a delicacy, and their delicate foliage is a delight. Also a couple of lupin-collectors told me that the vicious start to winter 2022 led to the loss of their Lupin collections. Not so this beauty!

COVID SAFETY FIRST: I am shielding so should not get Covid.  As a biologist, I am taking more precautions than the government suggest. Therefore the package should leave me in a clean condition.......